A People’s Orientation To A Regenerative Economy

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Resource link

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oeuKrByDhh54IVmJqy2z0wX3yC KPGjU/view

Author or organization

United Frontline TableProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.

Funded by

Date published




Key themes

Regenerative economy

Geographical focus

The following coordinate was not recognized: United States.The following coordinate was not recognized: United States.


The intersecting crises of income and wealth inequality and climate change, driven by systemic white supremacy and gender inequality, has exposed the frailty of the U.S. economy and democracy. This document was prepared during the COVID-19 pandemic which exacerbated these existing crises and underlying conditions.

Regenerative economy +
The intersecting crises of income and wealThe intersecting crises of income and wealth inequality and climate change, driven by systemic white supremacy and gender inequality, has exposed the frailty of the U.S. economy and democracy. This document was prepared during the COVID-19 pandemic which exacerbated these existing crises and underlying conditions.existing crises and underlying conditions. +