Citizens for the Environment مواطنون من أجل البيئة/fr
Organization name
Citizens for the Environment
Organization link
Organization type
Organisation de la société civile (OSC), Dirigé par des Autochtones, Dirigé par des femmes, Organisation non gouvernementale (ONG)
Current focus/area
Sensibilisation, Droits humains, Inclusion, Droits des peuples autochtones, Autonomisation des jeunes, Justice écologique, Amélioration des moyens de subsistance, Justice sociale, Leadership féminin
Citizens for the Environment (CFE) is a non-profit organization established and registered in Israel in 1990. Our primary mission revolves around advocating for climate justice, safeguarding the right to a clean and healthy environment, addressing the challenges posed by climate change and environmental risks within the Palestinian community in Israel and building a Palestinian environmental leadership.
Compendium source
31° 2' 45.96" N, 34° 51' 5.76" E
Longitude: 34.8516 +