Neo-Colonial Economies And Ecologies, Smallholder Farmers And Multiple Shocks: The Case Of Cyclones Idai And Kenneth In Mozambique And Zimbabwe

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Author or organization

African Centre for BiodiversityProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.

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Key themes

Climate Change, Agriculture, Extractivism, Food Insecurity

Geographical focus

The following coordinate was not recognized: Mozambique, Zimbabwe.The following coordinate was not recognized: Mozambique, Zimbabwe.


This paper critically examines the political and economic drivers of ecological degradation under the guise of development loans and aid, through rapacious natural resource extraction and social and cultural displacement – the backdrop to tropical cyclones Idai and Kenneth, which made history by respectively striking central and northern Mozambique only six weeks apart from each other in 2019 and also severely impacted parts of Zimbabwe and Malawi