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الزراعة الإيكولوجية +, تعزيز التوعية +, حقوق الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة +, الصناعات الإستخراجية +, السيادة الغذائية +, العنف الجنساني +, المساواة الجنسانية +, الصحة +, حقوق الإنسان +, الإشراك +, حقوق الشعوب الأصلية +, بناء الحركات +, إدارة الموارد الطبيعية +, تمكين المرأة +, التصدي والتحضير للكوارث +, العدالة الإقتصادية +, العدالة البيئية +, العدالة بين الأجيال +, إستغلال الأراضي +, تحسين سبل العيش +, العدل الإجتماعي +, حقوق المرأة +  and القيادة النسائية +
"The African Coalition on Green Growth est"The African Coalition on Green Growth established in 2016, is the officially registered voluntary co-ordinating body of organizations concerned with environmental resilience and climate change within the context of pursuing inclusive and sustianbel socio-political and economic development of the people of Africa. </br></br>We envision an NGO sector that will increasingly converge and develop a unified voice in the quest to influence policies, laws, regulations, and funding practices that have a bearing on the CSO operating environment in the country. We aspire to better connect, convene, generate and co-create ideas and knowledge largely based on own knowledge and experiences in relevant fields,and coordinate diverse groups of NGOs operating in Africa through the creation of spaces and platforms for experience sharing, mutual learning, all-stakeholder engagement, linking networks, and alliances as well as strengthening civic voices.</br></br>ACGG Vision’s is: </br>Achieving inclusive green development in Africa.</br></br>The coalition’s mission is to:</br> Promote inclusive and sustained green economic and industrial development in Africa.</br>Focus Areas:</br> Human mobility in the context of climate-induced loss and damage</br> Livelihoods & entrepreneurship for resilience building</br> Youth & women empowerment and youth & women led action</br> Agriculture, Forestry and land use management</br> Natural Resources Governance</br> Non-economic and cultural loss and damage</br> Evidence based research</br> Eco-tourism</br> Industrialisation and the Environment</br> Disaster education and response</br> Building Climate Change Resilience</br> Ecosystem based climate change adaptation</br> Gender justice,environmental justice and climate justice</br> Early warning systems and climate prediction</br> Innovation and industrialization</br> Climate Finance</br> Response measures and just transitions</br> Adaptation and renewable energy </br> Environment and Biodiversity resilience</br> Environmental Contamination and the Ecological Healthal Contamination and the Ecological Health +
8° 46' 59.52" S, 34° 30' 30.60" ELatitude: -8.7832
Longitude: 34.5085
African Coalition on Green Growth +
بقيادة BIPOC, منظمة المجتمع المدني , بقيادة السكان الأصليين, قيادة المرأة, الشباب بقيادة, الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة بقيادة +