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Inclusión +, empoderamiento juvenil +, Preparación y reacción en caso de catástrofe +, Justicia medioambiental +, Mejora de los medios de subsistencia +  and Justicia social +
We are an inclusive non-profit membership-We are an inclusive non-profit membership-based organization of vendors and informal traders dedicated to the creation of a just and inclusive society in which informal economy workers have a voice, decent work and sustainable livelihoods. BVTA was founded by informal economy workers and activists based on the realization that informal traders are a significant contributor to the economy in Zimbabwe yet they are not recognized, their rights are infringed upon, they live and work in vulnerable, precarious and uncertain social and economic conditions. uncertain social and economic conditions. +
19° 0' 55.44" S, 29° 9' 17.64" ELatitude: -19.0154
Longitude: 29.1549
Bulawayo Vendors and Traders Association (BVTA ) +
Organización sin ánimo de lucro (OSAL), Comerciantes informales +