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الزراعة الإيكولوجية +, تعزيز التوعية +, الصناعات الإستخراجية +, السيادة الغذائية +, المساواة الجنسانية +, الصحة +, الهجرة +, بناء الحركات +, إدارة الموارد الطبيعية +, تمكين المرأة +, التصدي والتحضير للكوارث +, العدالة الإقتصادية +, العدالة البيئية +, العدالة بين الأجيال +, إستغلال الأراضي +, تحسين سبل العيش +, العدل الإجتماعي +  and إدارة الأراضي +
"Research is fundamental to the mission of"Research is fundamental to the mission of the Centre for Climatology and Applied Research. New knowledge and creative works change the world and shape the future of the Centre for Climatology & Applied Research.</br>Research & Economic Development at the Centre for Climatology and Applied Research strives to advance the quality, diversity, and growth of research at the Centre for Climatology and Applied Research. We place a special value on the translation of research results that impact our social, environmental, cultural, and economic communities.</br>To our centre, we are committed to providing a sustaining environment where your research, creative, and service activities will flourish. We know that you have dedicated yourselves to discovery and that you work long and hard hours to be successful. We continue to place a very high priority on the creation and operation of quality research services.</br>To our partners beyond the Centre for Climatology & Applied Research, we are committed to the growth and economic development of the global world. Our members support this growth by competing globally in their research domains and making their results available for the benefit of society. We particularly welcome research and service partnerships that build on the expertise and interests of our stakeholders and staff.</br></br>Based on rigorous analysis CCAR can: </br>1) Develop and deploy appropriate technologies to mitigate and adapt to climate change, </br>2) Catalyze competitive domestic & international industries in clean technologies for job creation and economic growth, </br>3) Deliver ancillary climate technology benefits such as energy security and access, and reduced local pollution. </br>MISSION</br>We support high-quality, ethically sound research and work with inventors and industry to create significant and sustainable value for our society, economy and environment by moving CCAR discoveries out into the world.</br>VISION</br>We envision a supportive environment for all stakeholders that enables transformative discoveries and innovation, produces new knowledge, and supports creative activities to benefit CCAR, the nation, and the world.</br>"benefit CCAR, the nation, and the world. "
22° 19' 42.60" S, 24° 41' 5.64" ELatitude: -22.3285
Longitude: 24.6849
Centre for Climatology and Applied RESEARCH +
مركز فكري, قيادة المرأة, مركز البحث +