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Organization Name: Please include the full organisation name and if this organisation uses an acronym please include it in round brackets at the end e.g. Climate Justice - Just Transition Donor Collaborative (CJ-JT)
Organization URL: If the organisation you are adding does not have a website please add their social media URL or leave blank if no URL is applicable
Organization Type and Governance: In some cases you may be accurately described by more than one type, please select all that apply. If your organisation is led by people of colour, women, youth or indigenous groups then please also highlight that
Country / Location: Please include the country this organisation is based in.
Current Focus / Themes of Work: Please select all that apply
Description of Organization Please include a summary of this organisation and the climate justice / just transition work it does

Categor(y/ies) if applicable Please enter the category that this organisation should be listed. Where applicable please include exact coordinates here too.

Signatory of the Peoples’ Summit: Climate Rights and Human Survival +

Alliance building Journalism Capacity building Biodiversity Health Oceans Coastal protection Fisheries Climate change Climate justice Energy Just Transition Indigenous rights Indigenous Knowledge and Traditions

Youth +
We are a global grant funder and network wWe are a global grant funder and network working with journalists and media outlets in virtually every region of the world to further our mission to improve the quality and quantity of environmental reporting.</br></br>EJN trains journalists to cover a wide variety of issues, develops innovative online environmental news sites and produces content for local media – including ground-breaking investigative reports. We also establish networks of environmental journalists in countries where they don't exist and build their capacity where they do. We do so through workshops and the development of training materials and by offering Fellowship programs, grants to media organizations, story stipends, and support for story production and distribution. </br></br>(review)ry production and distribution. (review) +
38° 54' 25.92" N, 77° 2' 12.84" WLatitude: 38.9072
Longitude: -77.0369
Earth Journalism Network (EFN) +
NGO, Grant Funder, Network +