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Agroécologie +, Sensibilisation +, Droits des personnes handicapées +, Préparation et réponse aux désastres +, Justice économique +, Justice écologique +, Activités extractives +, Souveraineté alimentaire +, Violence sexospécifique +, Égalité des genres +, Santé +, Droits humains +, Droits des peuples autochtones +, Inclusion +, Justice intergénérationnelle +, Utilisation des terrains +, Amélioration des moyens de subsistance +, Renforcement des mouvements +, Gestion des ressources naturelles +, Justice sociale +, Droits des femmes +, Autonomisation des jeunes +  and Leadership féminin +
"Vision Achieving an economically empoweri"Vision</br>Achieving an economically empowering, resilient, secure and sustained Southern SADC region .</br>The coalition’s mission is to:</br> Promote coordination, networking, collaboration and partnerships between and amongst interest groups, individuals and stakeholders including Governments, private sector and civil society; nationally, regionally and continentally active in climate change and environmental resilience aspects within the context of sustainable economic growth and inclusive development </br>Our Focus Areas:</br> Agriculture, Forestry and land use management</br> Natural Resources Governance</br> Non-economic and cultural loss and damage</br> Evidence based research</br> Human mobility in the context of climate-induced loss and damage</br> Livelihoods & entrepreneurship for resilience building</br> Youth & women empowerment and youth & women led action</br> Eco-tourism</br> Industrialisation and the Environment</br> Disaster education and response</br> Building Climate Change Resilience</br> Ecosystem based climate change adaptation</br> Gender justice,environmental justice and climate justice</br> Early warning systems and climate prediction</br> Innovation and industrialization</br> Climate Finance</br> Response measures and just transitions</br> Environment and Biodiversity resilience</br> Adaptation, Renewable Energy and the Environment</br> Environmental Contamination and the Ecological Health</br>NB: We a member of the African Coalition on Green Growth and that is why our activities are the same from national,regional and continent wide levels"tional,regional and continent wide levels" +
Southern Africa Climate Change Coalition +
Coalition, Dirigé par le BIPOC, Dirigé par des Autochtones, Personnes handicapées dirigées, Dirigé par des femmes, Dirigé par les jeunes +