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Organization name

Nawai Nai Women Association (Afghanistan)

Organization link


Organization type




Current focus/area

Livelihood improvement Food Security Climate Change Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity building Advocacy Women Empowerment


Nawai Nai Afghan Women Development Organization was registered in 2014 as women associated with the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Women Affairs of Afghanistan. It is an entirely afghan women-owned non-profit organization consisting of every tribe of people living in Afghanistan, and it proudly presents and raises the minority, distressed, needy, neglected, vulnerable people and poor layers of society and is established to tackle the raising problems facing the society focusing on Afghan women and youths and providing a response to their needs. (website)

Compendium source

A member organisation of the Climate Action Network Regional Node CAN South Asia (CANSA)

33° 56' 20.76" N, 67° 42' 36.00" E

A member organisation of the Climate Action Network Regional Node CAN South Asia (CANSA) +
Livelihood improvement

Food Security Climate Change Disaster Risk Reduction Capacity building Advocacy

Women Empowerment +
Nawai Nai Afghan Women Development OrganizNawai Nai Afghan Women Development Organization was registered in 2014 as women associated with the Ministry of Justice and Ministry of Women Affairs of Afghanistan. It is an entirely afghan women-owned non-profit organization consisting of every tribe of people living in Afghanistan, and it proudly presents and raises the minority, distressed, needy, neglected, vulnerable people and poor layers of society and is established to tackle the raising problems facing the society focusing on Afghan women and youths and providing a response to their needs. (website) (website) +
33° 56' 20.76" N, 67° 42' 36.00" ELatitude: 33.9391
Longitude: 67.71
Nawai Nai Women Association (Afghanistan) +