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Revision as of 20:15, 9 May 2023

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Organization name


Organization link


Organization type

Non-profit Organization (NPO)



Current focus/area

Training Research Communication Education Waste


We are an institutional program of the Faculty of Agronomy of the UBA that is in charge of waste management in the faculty. The group is made up of students, teachers, and non-teachers who carry out outreach, research, communication, and environmental education tasks simultaneously with the management of waste on the property.

Compendium source

38° 24' 57.96" S, 63° 37' 0.12" W

... more about "FAUBA Vert"

Research Communication Education

Waste +
We are an institutional program of the FacWe are an institutional program of the Faculty of Agronomy of the UBA that is in charge of waste management in the faculty. The group is made up of students, teachers, and non-teachers who carry out outreach, research, communication, and environmental education tasks simultaneously with the management of waste on the property.h the management of waste on the property. +
38° 24' 57.96" S, 63° 37' 0.12" WLatitude: -38.4161
Longitude: -63.6167
FAUBA Verde +
Non-profit Organization (NPO) +