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Revision as of 18:15, 10 February 2023

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Organization name

African Climate Alliance

Organization link

Organization type

Grassroots organisation


Pan African or regional networks

Current focus/area

Education Climate Advocacy Protest Activism


The African Climate Alliance are a youth-led grassroots organisation acting and advocating for Afrocentric climate justice, climate literacy and social inclusion. They have a particular focus on inclusively building up and amplifying youth voices across sectors of society in order to create intergenerational organising potential with youth at the centre.

Compendium source

... more about "African Climate Alliance"

Climate Education </br>Climate </br>Advocacy Protest</br>Activism Protest

Activism +
The African Climate Alliance are a youth-lThe African Climate Alliance are a youth-led grassroots organisation acting and advocating for Afrocentric climate justice, climate literacy and social inclusion. They have a particular focus on inclusively building up and amplifying youth voices across sectors of society in order to create intergenerational organising potential with youth at the centre.nising potential with youth at the centre. +
African Climate Alliance +
Grassroots organisation +