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'''الخلاصة هي مسودة وأول خطوة في رسم خرائط أعمال العدالة المناخية والانتقال العادل التي تركز في الجنوب العالمي.'''
'''ما هو الكتيّب المرجعي؟'''
'''لماذا فعلناها:'''
The Compendium is a mapping listing organisations in the Global South working on climate justice and just transition. This mapping is searchable geographically by countries, regions and key themes / injustices. It is an open source tool designed to become more comprehensive over time.
لقد تأخر التمويل الخيري في دعم الحلول العادلة والمنصفة التي يطرحها أولئك الذين يقفون في الخطوط الأمامية للظلم ، ولا سيما الفئات المهمشة تاريخياً مثل النساء والشعوب الأصلية والملونين والشباب والأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة وأولئك الموجودين في جنوب الكرة الأرضية. لم يتم تمويل هذا العمل على نطاق واسع.
The mapping was produced by the Climate Justice - Just Transition Donor Collaborative (CJ-JT) because many studies showed philanthropic funding was not reaching those on the front lines of injustice, especially those based in the Global South. The Compendium aims to redress this imbalance by helping foundations and advisors quickly find who is working on the ground.
في الوقت الحالي ، يذهب أقل من 2٪ من الأعمال الخيرية العالمية نحو دعم المنظمات العاملة في مجال التخفيف من آثار تغير المناخ ، مع ما يقرب من 0.5٪ يذهب إلى المبادرات البيئية في الجنوب العالمي (أرض واحدة). من العمل الخيري الموجه إلى المناخ ، 95٪ منه موجه إلى مجموعات الدفاع عن المناخ التي يقودها الرجال بأغلبية ساحقة (مشروع الحلول) و (المبادرة الخيرية للعدالة العرقية).
The mapping highlights, wherever possible, work led by women, people of colour, youth, historically marginalised groups, and those with disabilities. These groups are playing a leading role in putting forward just and equitable solutions despite having received the least resources and contributed very little to climate change.
تشير هذه الإحصائيات إلى حقيقة مُلحة: يجب إعادة تصميم العمل الخيري لدعم نهج متعدد الجوانب لتقديم المنح من شأنه أن يحول الموارد والسلطة بشكل دائم إلى أولئك الموجودين في الخطوط الأمامية ، ولا سيما إلى الجماعات والمجتمعات المهمشة تاريخياً والممثلة تمثيلاً ناقصًا.
'''تستكشف منظمة العدالة المناخية - تعاونية المانحين للانتقال العادل كيف يمكن لجهود CJ و JT الناشئة أن تزيد العمل المناخي العادل اجتماعيًا.'''
'''How it was produced:'''
The Compendium is based on many sources of information, including climate justice and just transition networks funded by philanthropy, information by experts working in the field as well as desktop-based research. All the organisations listed have been given the opportunity to review the information we have included accurately captures their work and is up to date.
الخلاصة عبارة عن عمل قيد التقدم وما هو إلا تقييم أولي مقصود به كبداية. هدفنا هو أنه من خلال جمع هذه المعلومات وإنشاء قاعدة البيانات هذه كموقع Wiki ، فإنها ستصبح جهدًا تشاركيًا مفتوح المصدر للحفاظ على المعرفة الحديثة المتعلقة بعمل CJ-JT عالميًا مع التركيز على الجنوب العالمي.
Based on our existing resources we have provided the core information in four languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, French. In partnership with [https://www.climatecardinals.org/ Climate Cardinals] we are working to further provide multilingual translation for organisation descriptions and hope that as we continue to develop the Compendium we will be able to further identify and add Non-English organisations. This is important because most climate justice literature and climate campaigning is written and accessible entirely in English which results in systematic barriers to accessing information on climate change.
نحن ندرك أن هذا العمل سيكون دائمًا غير مكتمل ، وأن هناك العديد من المنظمات التي ليست في هذا التعيين بالإضافة إلى العديد من الأفراد المهمين الذين قاموا بهذا العمل لفترة طويلة جدًا لم نقم بتضمينها.
نهدف إلى مناقشة مع الميدان كيف يمكننا تمثيل الشعوب الأصلية والمجتمعات والقبائل بشكل أفضل وإدخال الحملات والحركات الممثلة في خرائط أخرى (مثل أطلس العدالة البيئية) ، لا سيما تلك التي يقودها السكان الأصليون والأفراد قيادة المقاومة.
<sup>1</sup> <sub>Currently, [https://www.edgefunders.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Beyond-2-full-report.pdf less than 2%] of global philanthropy goes toward supporting organisations working on climate mitigation, with approximately 0.5% going to environmental initiatives in the Global South ([https://www.edgefunders.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Beyond-2-full-report.pdf Edge Funders Alliance, 2022] & [https://www.oneearth.org/one-earth-project-marketplace/ One Earth 2023]). Of the philanthropy that is directed to climate, 95% of it is directed to white and overwhelmingly male-led climate advocacy groups ([https://thesolutionsproject.org/what-we-do/grantmaking/justice-equity/ Solutions Project, 2017]) & ([https://racialequity.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/0912_PRE_Mismatched_PR_11-1.pdf Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Justice, 2021]) and only 0.76% to youth climate movements ([https://youthclimatejusticestudy.org/why-youth-why-now-2/ Youth Climate Justice Study, 2022]).</sub>
<sub>Morena, E. et al. (2022), ““Beyond 2% from climate philanthropy to climate justice philanthropy”, EDGE Funders Alliance & United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). [https://www.edgefunders.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Beyond-2-full-report.pdf URL] [Accessed 03/03/23]</sub>
<sub>One Earth (2023) One Earth Project Marketplace. [https://www.oneearth.org/one-earth-project-marketplace/ URL] [Accessed 03/03/2023]</sub>
<sub>Solutions Project (2021) Justice + Equity. [https://thesolutionsproject.org/what-we-do/grantmaking/justice-equity/ URL] [Accessed 03/03/23]</sub>
<sub>DeBacker, L. & Patterson, J. (2021) “Environmental Funders: The Problem Isn’t Just Diversity, It’s Access to Money”, Inside Philanthropy. [https://www.insidephilanthropy.com/home/2021/4/6/environmental-funders-the-problem-isnt-just-diversity-its-access-to-money URL] [Accessed 03/03/23)</sub>
<sub>Janus, K. K. (2017). Innovating Philanthropy. Stanford Social Innovation Review. [https://doi.org/10.48558/FKZH-9S58 DOI] [Accessed 03/03/23]</sub>
<sub>Cyril, D. M et al. (2021) “Philanthropy’s response to the call for racial justice”, Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE). [https://racialequity.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/0912_PRE_Mismatched_PR_11-1.pdf URL] [Accessed 03/03/23]</sub>
<sub>Youth Climate Justice Study (Nov 2022) “Why Youth, Why Now”, Section 4 Slides: The Hour is Late using ClimateWorks Foundation data. [https://youthclimatejusticestudy.org/less-than-1/ URL] [Accessed 03/03/23)</sub>
<sup>2</sup> <sub>Kianni, S. (2022) “Language shouldn't be a barrier to climate action”, [https://www.ted.com/talks/sophia_kianni_language_shouldn_t_be_a_barrier_to_climate_action TED Conference] URL [Accessed 03/03/23]</sub>

Revision as of 13:20, 30 March 2023

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ما هو الكتيّب المرجعي؟

The Compendium is a mapping listing organisations in the Global South working on climate justice and just transition. This mapping is searchable geographically by countries, regions and key themes / injustices. It is an open source tool designed to become more comprehensive over time.

The mapping was produced by the Climate Justice - Just Transition Donor Collaborative (CJ-JT) because many studies showed philanthropic funding was not reaching those on the front lines of injustice, especially those based in the Global South. The Compendium aims to redress this imbalance by helping foundations and advisors quickly find who is working on the ground.

The mapping highlights, wherever possible, work led by women, people of colour, youth, historically marginalised groups, and those with disabilities. These groups are playing a leading role in putting forward just and equitable solutions despite having received the least resources and contributed very little to climate change.

How it was produced:

The Compendium is based on many sources of information, including climate justice and just transition networks funded by philanthropy, information by experts working in the field as well as desktop-based research. All the organisations listed have been given the opportunity to review the information we have included accurately captures their work and is up to date.

Based on our existing resources we have provided the core information in four languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, French. In partnership with Climate Cardinals we are working to further provide multilingual translation for organisation descriptions and hope that as we continue to develop the Compendium we will be able to further identify and add Non-English organisations. This is important because most climate justice literature and climate campaigning is written and accessible entirely in English which results in systematic barriers to accessing information on climate change.

1 Currently, less than 2% of global philanthropy goes toward supporting organisations working on climate mitigation, with approximately 0.5% going to environmental initiatives in the Global South (Edge Funders Alliance, 2022 & One Earth 2023). Of the philanthropy that is directed to climate, 95% of it is directed to white and overwhelmingly male-led climate advocacy groups (Solutions Project, 2017) & (Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Justice, 2021) and only 0.76% to youth climate movements (Youth Climate Justice Study, 2022).

Morena, E. et al. (2022), ““Beyond 2% from climate philanthropy to climate justice philanthropy”, EDGE Funders Alliance & United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). URL [Accessed 03/03/23]

One Earth (2023) One Earth Project Marketplace. URL [Accessed 03/03/2023]

Solutions Project (2021) Justice + Equity. URL [Accessed 03/03/23]

DeBacker, L. & Patterson, J. (2021) “Environmental Funders: The Problem Isn’t Just Diversity, It’s Access to Money”, Inside Philanthropy. URL [Accessed 03/03/23)

Janus, K. K. (2017). Innovating Philanthropy. Stanford Social Innovation Review. DOI [Accessed 03/03/23]

Cyril, D. M et al. (2021) “Philanthropy’s response to the call for racial justice”, Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE). URL [Accessed 03/03/23]

Youth Climate Justice Study (Nov 2022) “Why Youth, Why Now”, Section 4 Slides: The Hour is Late using ClimateWorks Foundation data. URL [Accessed 03/03/23)

2 Kianni, S. (2022) “Language shouldn't be a barrier to climate action”, TED Conference URL [Accessed 03/03/23]