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Revision as of 02:29, 25 May 2023

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Organization name

Koalisi Anti Utang (KAU)

Organization link


Organization type

Organización no gubernamental (ONG)



Current focus/area

Debt Youth Policy Advocacy Education


The organisation campaigns to cancel all illegitimate and odious debt in Indonesia and to give education to the people without the threat of a dangerous amount of debt. Additionally, they also put pressure on the government to cancel the debt. Their mission is to force the Indonesian government to fulfil its obligation to give social services to the people, as well as stimulate all of Indonesian society to create a consolidated social movement among all Indonesians.

(Alternative website)

Compendium source

The participating organisation of the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice

0° 47' 21.48" S, 113° 55' 16.68" E

The participating organisation of the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice +

Youth Policy Advocacy

Education +
The organisation campaigns to cancel all iThe organisation campaigns to cancel all illegitimate and odious debt in Indonesia and to give education to the people without the threat of a dangerous amount of debt. Additionally, they also put pressure on the government to cancel the debt. Their mission is to force the Indonesian government to fulfil its obligation to give social services to the people, as well as stimulate all of Indonesian society to create a consolidated social movement among all Indonesians. </br></br>(Alternative website) (Alternative website) +
0° 47' 21.48" S, 113° 55' 16.68" ELatitude: -0.7893
Longitude: 113.9213
Koalisi Anti Utang (KAU) +
Organización no gubernamental (ONG) +