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'''El Compendio es un borrador y un primer corte en el mapeo del trabajo de Justicia Climática y Transición Justa enfocado en el Sur Global.'''
'''¿Qué es el Compendio?'''
'''Por qué lo hicimos:'''
The Compendium is a mapping listing organisations in the Global South working on climate justice and just transition. This mapping is searchable geographically by countries, regions and key themes / injustices. It is an open source tool designed to become more comprehensive over time.
La financiación filantrópica se ha retrasado en el apoyo a las soluciones justas y equitativas presentadas por quienes están en la primera línea de la injusticia, especialmente los grupos históricamente marginados como las mujeres, los pueblos indígenas, las personas de color, los jóvenes, las personas con discapacidad y las personas con base en el Sur Global. Este trabajo no estaba siendo financiado a escala.
The mapping was produced by the Climate Justice - Just Transition Donor Collaborative (CJ-JT) because many studies showed philanthropic funding was not reaching those on the front lines of injustice, especially those based in the Global South. The Compendium aims to redress this imbalance by helping foundations and advisors quickly find who is working on the ground.
Actualmente, menos del 2 % de la filantropía mundial se destina a apoyar a organizaciones que trabajan en la mitigación del cambio climático, y aproximadamente el 0,5 % se destina a iniciativas ambientales en el Sur Global (One Earth). De la filantropía que se dirige al clima, el 95% se dirige a grupos de defensa del clima liderados por blancos y abrumadoramente por hombres (Solutions Project) y (Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Justice).
The mapping highlights, wherever possible, work led by women, people of colour, youth, historically marginalised groups, and those with disabilities. These groups are playing a leading role in putting forward just and equitable solutions despite having received the least resources and contributed very little to climate change.
Estas estadísticas apuntan a una realidad urgente: la filantropía debe rediseñarse para respaldar un enfoque interseccional de la concesión de subvenciones que trasladará permanentemente los recursos y el poder a quienes están en primera línea, especialmente a los grupos y comunidades históricamente marginados y subrepresentados.
'''The Climate Justice – Just Transition Donor Collaborative explora cómo los esfuerzos emergentes de CJ y JT pueden aumentar la acción climática socialmente justa.'''
'''How it was produced:'''
The Compendium is based on many sources of information, including climate justice and just transition networks funded by philanthropy, information by experts working in the field as well as desktop-based research. All the organisations listed have been given the opportunity to review the information we have included accurately captures their work and is up to date.
El Compendio es un trabajo en progreso y es solo una evaluación inicial que pretende ser un comienzo. Nuestro objetivo es que al recopilar esta información y crear esta base de datos como Wiki, se convierta en un esfuerzo participativo y de fuente abierta para mantener el conocimiento actualizado sobre el trabajo de CJ-JT a nivel mundial con un enfoque en el Sur Global.
Based on our existing resources we have provided the core information in four languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, French. In partnership with [https://www.climatecardinals.org/ Climate Cardinals] we are working to further provide multilingual translation for organisation descriptions and hope that as we continue to develop the Compendium we will be able to further identify and add Non-English organisations. This is important because most climate justice literature and climate campaigning is written and accessible entirely in English which results in systematic barriers to accessing information on climate change.
Reconocemos que este trabajo siempre estará incompleto y que hay muchas más organizaciones que no están en este mapeo, así como muchas personas importantes que han estado haciendo este trabajo durante mucho tiempo y que no hemos incluido.
Nuestro objetivo es discutir con el campo cómo podemos representar mejor a los Pueblos Indígenas, comunidades y tribus e incorporar las campañas y movimientos que están representados en otros mapeos (como el Atlas de Justicia Ambiental), particularmente aquellos dirigidos por Pueblos Indígenas e individuos que son resistencia líder.
<sup>1</sup> <sub>Currently, [https://www.edgefunders.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Beyond-2-full-report.pdf less than 2%] of global philanthropy goes toward supporting organisations working on climate mitigation, with approximately 0.5% going to environmental initiatives in the Global South ([https://www.edgefunders.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Beyond-2-full-report.pdf Edge Funders Alliance, 2022] & [https://www.oneearth.org/one-earth-project-marketplace/ One Earth 2023]). Of the philanthropy that is directed to climate, 95% of it is directed to white and overwhelmingly male-led climate advocacy groups ([https://thesolutionsproject.org/what-we-do/grantmaking/justice-equity/ Solutions Project, 2017]) & ([https://racialequity.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/0912_PRE_Mismatched_PR_11-1.pdf Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Justice, 2021]) and only 0.76% to youth climate movements ([https://youthclimatejusticestudy.org/why-youth-why-now-2/ Youth Climate Justice Study, 2022]).</sub>
<sub>Morena, E. et al. (2022), ““Beyond 2% from climate philanthropy to climate justice philanthropy”, EDGE Funders Alliance & United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). [https://www.edgefunders.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Beyond-2-full-report.pdf URL] [Accessed 03/03/23]</sub>
<sub>One Earth (2023) One Earth Project Marketplace. [https://www.oneearth.org/one-earth-project-marketplace/ URL] [Accessed 03/03/2023]</sub>
<sub>Solutions Project (2021) Justice + Equity. [https://thesolutionsproject.org/what-we-do/grantmaking/justice-equity/ URL] [Accessed 03/03/23]</sub>
<sub>DeBacker, L. & Patterson, J. (2021) “Environmental Funders: The Problem Isn’t Just Diversity, It’s Access to Money”, Inside Philanthropy. [https://www.insidephilanthropy.com/home/2021/4/6/environmental-funders-the-problem-isnt-just-diversity-its-access-to-money URL] [Accessed 03/03/23)</sub>
<sub>Janus, K. K. (2017). Innovating Philanthropy. Stanford Social Innovation Review. [https://doi.org/10.48558/FKZH-9S58 DOI] [Accessed 03/03/23]</sub>
<sub>Cyril, D. M et al. (2021) “Philanthropy’s response to the call for racial justice”, Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE). [https://racialequity.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/0912_PRE_Mismatched_PR_11-1.pdf URL] [Accessed 03/03/23]</sub>
<sub>Youth Climate Justice Study (Nov 2022) “Why Youth, Why Now”, Section 4 Slides: The Hour is Late using ClimateWorks Foundation data. [https://youthclimatejusticestudy.org/less-than-1/ URL] [Accessed 03/03/23)</sub>
<sup>2</sup> <sub>Kianni, S. (2022) “Language shouldn't be a barrier to climate action”, [https://www.ted.com/talks/sophia_kianni_language_shouldn_t_be_a_barrier_to_climate_action TED Conference] URL [Accessed 03/03/23]</sub>

Revision as of 13:25, 30 March 2023

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¿Qué es el Compendio?

The Compendium is a mapping listing organisations in the Global South working on climate justice and just transition. This mapping is searchable geographically by countries, regions and key themes / injustices. It is an open source tool designed to become more comprehensive over time.

The mapping was produced by the Climate Justice - Just Transition Donor Collaborative (CJ-JT) because many studies showed philanthropic funding was not reaching those on the front lines of injustice, especially those based in the Global South. The Compendium aims to redress this imbalance by helping foundations and advisors quickly find who is working on the ground.

The mapping highlights, wherever possible, work led by women, people of colour, youth, historically marginalised groups, and those with disabilities. These groups are playing a leading role in putting forward just and equitable solutions despite having received the least resources and contributed very little to climate change.

How it was produced:

The Compendium is based on many sources of information, including climate justice and just transition networks funded by philanthropy, information by experts working in the field as well as desktop-based research. All the organisations listed have been given the opportunity to review the information we have included accurately captures their work and is up to date.

Based on our existing resources we have provided the core information in four languages: English, Arabic, Spanish, French. In partnership with Climate Cardinals we are working to further provide multilingual translation for organisation descriptions and hope that as we continue to develop the Compendium we will be able to further identify and add Non-English organisations. This is important because most climate justice literature and climate campaigning is written and accessible entirely in English which results in systematic barriers to accessing information on climate change.

1 Currently, less than 2% of global philanthropy goes toward supporting organisations working on climate mitigation, with approximately 0.5% going to environmental initiatives in the Global South (Edge Funders Alliance, 2022 & One Earth 2023). Of the philanthropy that is directed to climate, 95% of it is directed to white and overwhelmingly male-led climate advocacy groups (Solutions Project, 2017) & (Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Justice, 2021) and only 0.76% to youth climate movements (Youth Climate Justice Study, 2022).

Morena, E. et al. (2022), ““Beyond 2% from climate philanthropy to climate justice philanthropy”, EDGE Funders Alliance & United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD). URL [Accessed 03/03/23]

One Earth (2023) One Earth Project Marketplace. URL [Accessed 03/03/2023]

Solutions Project (2021) Justice + Equity. URL [Accessed 03/03/23]

DeBacker, L. & Patterson, J. (2021) “Environmental Funders: The Problem Isn’t Just Diversity, It’s Access to Money”, Inside Philanthropy. URL [Accessed 03/03/23)

Janus, K. K. (2017). Innovating Philanthropy. Stanford Social Innovation Review. DOI [Accessed 03/03/23]

Cyril, D. M et al. (2021) “Philanthropy’s response to the call for racial justice”, Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE). URL [Accessed 03/03/23]

Youth Climate Justice Study (Nov 2022) “Why Youth, Why Now”, Section 4 Slides: The Hour is Late using ClimateWorks Foundation data. URL [Accessed 03/03/23)

2 Kianni, S. (2022) “Language shouldn't be a barrier to climate action”, TED Conference URL [Accessed 03/03/23]