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Learn more by accessing the Climate Justice - Just Transition Donor Collaborative Website

What is the Climate Justice Map?

The Climate Justice Map is a mapping showing organisations and networks based in the Global South working on climate justice and just transition. This mapping was produced by the Climate Justice - Just Transition Donor Collaborative (CJ-JT), an initiative working to shift power and philanthropic resources to those on the frontlines of climate injustice who do not yet have their due share of voice in policy-making and whose efforts are critically under-resourced.

The CJ Map is a unique tool that includes over 1,600+ organisations and networks. It is in the form of an open-source Wiki with the core information available in four languages: Arabic, English, French and Spanish.

For more information about how the work of the CJ-JT Donor Collaborative and partners who created the CJ-Map, please access the website:

Why we did the mapping:

La colaboración de donantes Justicia Climática - Transición Justa (CJ-JT en inglés) ha elaborado este mapeo porque, como demuestran numerosos estudios1, la financiación filantrópica no llega a aquellos que combaten la injusticia en primera línea, sobre todo los que tienen su sede en el Sur Global. Con la intención de corregir este desequilibrio, este mapa de justicia climática ayuda a fundaciones y asesores a encontrar de manera rápida a las organizaciones que están en el terreno.

¿Cómo se ha elaborado?

The Climate Justice Map is based on many sources of information, including climate justice and just transition networks funded by philanthropy, information by experts working in the field as well as from desktop based research. Entries have also been provided by the CJ-JT Donor Collaborative Climate JEDIs - Fellows working to enhance justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in climate spaces.

The CJ-Map has been sourced from the publicly available information using the description which organisations use to describe themselves and their own focus area and operations. Each organisation featured has been given the opportunity to check their entry. We are grateful to the work of Climate Cardinals for their translation services. This is an important partnership of ours because most climate justice literature and climate campaigning is written and accessible entirely in English which results in systematic barriers to accessing information on climate change.2

Ready to use the Climate Justice Map? Access it using the sidebar or using the link here

Why a Wiki?

Wiki pages are open-access and freely available. As mappings by philanthropy are typically not shared with the field, the Climate Justice Map is deliberately open source with an intent to break down the power dynamics inherent in mapping and consultancy processes with an aim to shift philanthropy away from gatekeeping, secrecy and ad hoc funding.

Wiki pages are collaborative. We hope to continue adding to the organisations included and invite you to add the organisations and networks you know working on climate justice and just transition to help maintain up-to-date information for philanthropy and the field.

We recognise the Climate Justice Map is a work in progress and we welcome your feedback and additional entries to make the Wiki more comprehensive. Please contact us using the form via our website.

Climate Justice Map Research Methodology and FAQs

What is your approach to defining Climate Justice?

In order to break down the inherent power dynamics involved when deciding what is considered climate justice work, we have intentionally not created our own definition. This is because there is no standardised definition of climate justice used or yet recognised by the field.

Instead, our approach is led by the framing(s) of individual organisations who know their work best and that self-define as working on climate justice. In developing our mapping we have drawn on the language organisations use to describe themselves and the areas of work they define as climate justice and just transition.

Other sources include using the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the many themes of work listed under them.

You can search the CJ Map using 270+ key themes and climate injustices. To help you get started with your search we have developed a list of 28 searchable keywords, themes and injustices commonly used by the organisations.

How did you collate the information?

The Climate Justice Map is based on many sources of information, including from recommendations and other mapping efforts, climate justice and just transition networks funded by philanthropy, information by experts working in the field as well as from desktop based research. Entries have also been provided by the CJ-JT Donor Collaborative Climate JEDIs - Fellows working to enhance justice, equity, diversity and inclusion in climate spaces.

The CJ-Map has been sourced from the publicly available information using the description which organisations use to describe themselves and their own focus area and operations. Each organisation featured has been given the opportunity to check their entry.

What type of organisations are eligible to be included in the Climate Justice Map?

Whilst there are many important Global North organisations, we have deliberately chosen to skew our efforts to focus on those working in or based in the Global South. The Climate Justice Map makes visible the considerable number of organisations already working on CJ-JT in the Global South as they have received the least resources from climate philanthropies.

We have mapped across 5 regions that include:

✦ Africa and the Middle East

✦ Asia and Pacific

✦ Latin America and the Caribbean

✦ Organisations that are Global

✦ Select Global North Allies that have regional programmes based in the Global South

Northern allies have been selected carefully for their work supporting Global South efforts.

Organisations must be working in Climate Justice and/or Just Transition: The Climate Justice Map includes 270+ key CJ-JT themes and injustices to choose from. This list is by no means exhaustive.

If you would like to see another theme listed please contact us via our website

How do I know if an organisation listed in the Climate Justice Map exists and is credible?

Our mapping is led by word of mouth and the lived experiences of those who are working on the ground. Our team checks if each organisation has a current and active online presence i.e. website, social media account, etc and aims to contact all organisations asking to confirm if the details we have are correct and up to date and to send any improvements.

Why is an organisation not listed?

We recognise the Climate Justice Map is a work in progress and the organisations and networks we have mapped are just a start. We welcome your feedback and additional entries to make the Wiki more comprehensive.

1 En la actualidad, menos del 2% de la filantropía global se orienta a apoyar organizaciones enfocadas a la mitigación del cambio climático, con cerca de un 0,5% dirigido a iniciativas por el medio ambiente en el Sur Global (EDGE Funders Alliance, 2022 & One Earth 2023). De los fondos filantrópicos dedicados al clima, el 95% se dirige a grupos blancos y dirigidos en su inmensa mayoría por hombres (Solutions Project, 2017) & (Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Justice, 2021) y solo el 0,76% a movimientos juveniles (Youth Climate Justice Study, 2022).

Morena, E. et al. (2022), “Beyond 2% from climate philanthropy to climate justice philanthropy” [Más del 2%. De la filantropía climática a la filantropía de la justicia climática], EDGE Funders Alliance & United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) [La Alianza EDGE y el Instituto de Investigaciones de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Social] URL [Consulta 03/03/23]

One Earth (2023) One Earth Project Marketplace. [Directorio de proyectos One Earth Project Marketplace] URL [Consulta 03/03/2023]

Solutions Project (2021) Justice + Equity. [Justicia y Equidad] URL [Consulta 03/03/23]

DeBacker, L. & Patterson, J. (2021) “Environmental Funders: The Problem Isn’t Just Diversity, It’s Access to Money” [Captación de fondos para proteger el medio ambiente: el problema no es solo la diversidad, sino el acceso al dinero], Inside Philanthropy. URL [Consulta 03/03/23]

Janus, K. K. (2017). “Innovating Philanthropy [Filantropía innovadora], Stanford Social Innovation Review. DOI [Consulta 03/03/23]

Cyril, D. M et al. (2021) “Philanthropy’s response to the call for racial justice” [La respuesta de la filantropía ante la llamada a la acción por la justicia racial], Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE) URL [Consulta 03/03/23]

Youth Climate Justice Study (Nov 2022) “Why Youth, Why Now” [Por qué la juventud, por qué ahora], diapositivas de la sección n.º 4: información ofrecida por The Hour is Late con datos de ClimateWorks Foundation. URL [Consulta 03/03/23)

Desanlis, H., Esmaeili, N., Janik, K., Lau, T., & Turnlund, M. (Nov 2023) "Funding trends 2023: Climate change mitigation philanthropy", ClimateWorks Foundation.[Accessed 22.11.23] [1]

2 Kianni, S. (2022) “Language shouldn't be a barrier to climate action” [El idioma no debería ser una barrera para la acción contra el cambio climático], Charla TED URL [Consulta 03/03/23]