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El Compendio es un borrador y un primer corte en el mapeo del trabajo de Justicia Climática y Transición Justa enfocado en el Sur Global.

Por qué lo hicimos:

La financiación filantrópica se ha retrasado en el apoyo a las soluciones justas y equitativas presentadas por quienes están en la primera línea de la injusticia, especialmente los grupos históricamente marginados como las mujeres, los pueblos indígenas, las personas de color, los jóvenes, las personas con discapacidad y las personas con base en el Sur Global. Este trabajo no estaba siendo financiado a escala.

Actualmente, menos del 2 % de la filantropía mundial se destina a apoyar a organizaciones que trabajan en la mitigación del cambio climático, y aproximadamente el 0,5 % se destina a iniciativas ambientales en el Sur Global (One Earth). De la filantropía que se dirige al clima, el 95% se dirige a grupos de defensa del clima liderados por blancos y abrumadoramente por hombres (Solutions Project) y (Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Justice).

These statistics point to an urgent reality: philanthropy needs to be redesigned to support an intersectional approach to grantmaking that will permanently shift resources, and power, to those on the front lines, especially to historically marginalised and underrepresented groups and communities.

The Climate Justice – Just Transition Donor Collaborative explores how emerging CJ and JT efforts can increase socially just climate action.

The Compendium is a work in progress and is only an initial assessment intended as a start. Our aim is that by gathering this information and creating this database as a Wiki it will become an open-source and participatory effort to maintain up-to-date knowledge regarding CJ-JT work globally with a focus on Global South.

We recognize that this work will always be incomplete, and that there are many more organisations that are not in this mapping as well as many significant individuals who have been doing this work for a very long time that we have not included.

We aim to discuss with the field how we can better represent Indigenous Peoples, communities and tribes and bring in the campaigns and movements that are represented in other mappings (such as the Environmental Justice Atlas), particularly those led by Indigenous Peoples and individuals who are leading resistance.