Eco Líder GTO/fr

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Organization name

Eco Líder GTO

Organization link

Organization type

Organisation à but non lucratif Dirigé par les jeunes



Current focus/area

Éducation Sensibilisation Movement building Climate action Communication


Movement led by young people that aims to establish communication links between people interested in environmental issues and municipal associations and instances, promoting education and environmental action together.

Compendium source

23° 38' 4.20" N, 102° 33' 10.08" W

... more about "Eco Líder GTO/fr"

Sensibilisation Movement building Climate action

Communication +
Movement led by young people that aims to establish communication links between people interested in environmental issues and municipal associations and instances, promoting education and environmental action together. +
23° 38' 4.20" N, 102° 33' 10.08" WLatitude: 23.6345
Longitude: -102.5528
Eco Líder GTO +
Organisation à but non lucratif Dirigé par les jeunes +