Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Vanuatu/fr

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Organization name

Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Vanuatu

Organization link

Organization type

Organisation non gouvernementale (ONG)



Current focus/area

Amélioration des moyens de subsistance Autonomisation communautaire Sécurité alimentaire Eau Assainissement Hygiène Violence sexospécifique Secours d'urgence Pauvreté


We are the humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, working with those in poverty and distress to create just and positive change. ADRA Vanuatu is part if the global ADRA network, which is made up of supporting and implementing offices in 130 countries around the world. ADRA Vanuatu works on the ground with communities across Vanuatu. (website)

Compendium source

A Member organisation of the Climate Action Network Regional Node Pacific Islands CAN (PICAN)

15° 22' 36.12" S, 166° 57' 33.12" E

A Member organisation of the Climate Action Network Regional Node Pacific Islands CAN (PICAN) +
Amélioration des moyens de subsistance

Autonomisation communautaire Sécurité alimentaire Eau Assainissement Hygiène Violence sexospécifique Secours d'urgence

Pauvreté +
We are the humanitarian arm of the SeventhWe are the humanitarian arm of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, working with those in poverty and distress to create just and positive change. ADRA Vanuatu is part if the global ADRA network, which is made up of supporting and implementing offices in 130 countries around the world. ADRA Vanuatu works on the ground with communities across Vanuatu. (website) (website) +
15° 22' 36.12" S, 166° 57' 33.12" ELatitude: -15.3767
Longitude: 166.9592
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Vanuatu +
Organisation non gouvernementale (ONG) +