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Translation statistics for Arabic (recent translations).

Message group Messages Untranslated Completion Reviewed Outdated
350 Ghana Reducing our Carbon 8 1 87% 0% 0%
350 Indonesia 4 1 75% 0% 0%
350 Organization 10 1 90% 0% 0%
350 Pacific 8 1 87% 0% 0%
350 Vanuatu 10 1 90% 0% 0% 8 1 87% 0% 0%
A Girl At A Time (Freetown, Sierra Leone) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Abibimman Foundation 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Acades (Lilongwe, Malawi) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Acción Ecológica de Chile 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Acción Juvenil Mundial 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Accountability Lab 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Accíon Ecológica 11 1 90% 0% 0%
ACICAFOC 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Action Aid USA 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Action for Environmental Sustainability (AfES) 19 1 94% 0% 0%
Action for Food Protection (AFPRO) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Action for Fundamental Change and Development AFFCAD (Kampala, Uganda) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Action for Integrated Sustainable Development Association AISDA 19 1 94% 0% 0%
Action for Rational Environmental Management in Mauritania AGREEM 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Action for Rural Women’s Empowerment (ARUWE) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Action For Sustainable Development (A4SD) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
ActionAid 8 1 87% 0% 0%
ActionAid Bangladesh 12 1 91% 0% 0%
ActionAid Brasil 10 1 90% 0% 0%
ActionAid SUPIA 7 1 85% 0% 0%
ActionLAC - Accion Climatica Latino Americana 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Actions Communautaires pour le Développement Intégral (Community Action for Integrated Development) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Actions en faveur de l'homme et de la nature Ivory Coast (AFHON) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Adarsha Samajik Progoti Sangstha 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Adivasi Post 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Vanuatu 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Aerobotics ( Cape Town, South Africa ) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Afghanistan Environmental Experts Society 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Afghanistan Youth Empowerment and Peace-building Organization (AYEPO) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Africa 2 2 0% 0% 0%
Africa Hope Fund (Zambia) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Africa Unveil 8 1 87% 0% 0%
African Center for Trade and Development 11 1 90% 0% 0%
African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
African Climate Alliance 8 1 87% 0% 0%
African Climate Reality Project (ACRP) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
African Coalition for Sustainable Energy and Access (ACTS) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
African Community Center for Social Sustainability ACCESS (Nakaseke, Uganda) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
African Forest (Nakuru, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
African Institute For Culture And Ecology AFRICE 13 1 92% 0% 0%
African Union Model 11 1 90% 0% 0%
African Youth Fellowship 11 1 90% 0% 0%
African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
African Youth, Women Emancipation, Children & Community Alliance AYOWECCA (Uganda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Afrika Hayat 7 1 85% 0% 0%
AfrikAmiga Project 5 1 80% 0% 0%
AGE Africa (Blantyre, Malawi) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Agency of Consultancy for Training (ACT) (Afghanistan) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Agora 8 1 87% 0% 0%
AGRA Africa Green Revolution Alliance (Nairobi, Kenya) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Agri Thamani Foundation (Bukoba, Tanzania) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Agrico (Nakuru, Kenya) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Agrihouse Foundation (Dzorwulu, Ghana) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Agripreneurship Alliance 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Agrupación Nacional de Empleados Fiscales (ANEF) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Agsol (Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Ahetaha Water Conservation Assoication 9 1 88% 0% 0%
AHEZA IWACU (Bujumbura, Burundi) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Aid for Rural Education Accss Inititative AREAi (Abuja, Nigeria) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
AJMUN 8 1 87% 0% 0%
AJOAGO (Mozambique) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Akamba Aid Fund (Kitui, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Akili Dada (Nairobi, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Aksi Ekologi & Emansipasi Rakyat (Ecological Action and People's Emancipation, AEER) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
AKSI Indonesia 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Al-Haq 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Alashanek Ya Balady Association for Sustainable Development (AYB-SD) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Alaska Institute for Justice 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Alerta Isla Riesco 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Alfajiri Street Kids Art (Nairobi, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara (Indigenous Peoples Alliance afor the Archipelago, AMAN) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Alianza Basura Cero Chile 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Alianza Mexicana contra el Fracking 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Alianza por los Derechos de la Madre Tierra 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Alianza x el Clima Argentina 9 9 0% 0% 0%
All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
All Nepal Peasant Federation (ANPFA) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
All Nepal Women Association (ANWA) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
All-Africa Students Union 6 1 83% 0% 0%
All-China Environment Federation (ACEF) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Alliance for Development and Population Services (ADEPS) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Alliance for Empowering Rural Communities 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Alliance for Future Generations 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Alliance for Future Generations (Fiji) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Alliance Nationale des Consomateurs et de l'environnement (ANCE-TOGO) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) 5 5 0% 0% 0%
Alma Preta Jornalismo 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma (ALTSEAN-Burma) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Alternative Futures (India) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Alternative Information and Development Centre (AIDC) 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Alyansa Tigil Mina (ATM) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Amade Pelcode 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Ambiente y Sociedad 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Amigos del Viento 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Amman Center for Human Rights studies (ACHRS) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Amnesty International 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Amnistía Internacional las Américas 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Ampersand (Kigali, Rwanda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
An Organization for Socio-Economic Development (AOSED) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Andiamo Youth Cooperative Trust (Balaka, Malawi) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Anglican Church of Melanesia 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Anglican Church of Melanesia Vanuatu 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Aniban ng Manggagawa sa Agrikultura (AMA) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Anijie Global Foundation 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Anjuman Muzareen Punjab 11 1 90% 0% 0%
ANTHC 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Anza Entrepreneurs (Arusha, Tanzania) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
AO Latinoamérica 8 1 87% 0% 0%
APED-TOGO 8 1 87% 0% 0%
AppCyclers 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Appui au Développement Intégral et la Solidarité sur les Collines (ADISCO) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Aqua -Farms Organization (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Arab Youth Climate Movement (AYCM) 18 1 94% 0% 0%
Aravalli Bachao 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Arjon Foundation (Bangladesh) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Armanshahr OPEN ASIA 11 1 90% 0% 0%
ARTH Art for Humanity 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Aru Environmental Club 12 1 91% 0% 0%
AS-PTA 22 1 95% 0% 0%
ASAAL 7 2 71% 0% 0%
Ashoka 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Ashoka Virginia Active in over 90 countries 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Asia Pacific Forum on Women Law and Development (APWLD) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Asian Regional Exchanges for New Alternatives (ARENA) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Asociación Caminos de la Memoria 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Asociación Chilena de Voluntario (ACHV) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Asociación Civil Centro de Cultura Popular Labor 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA) 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Asociación para la Educación y el Desarrollo 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Asociación Servicios Educativos Rurales (SER) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Association Burundaise pour la protection de la Nature (ABN) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Association De Volontariat “Touiza” De La Wilaya D’Alger and The Touiza Volunteering Association of the Wilaya of Algiers 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Association des Femme Paules Autochtones du Tchad 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Association des femmes pour le développement intégral en Côte d’Ivoire 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Association des Guides du Rwanda (Kigali, Rwanda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Association Feed without destroying (ANSD) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Association for Environment Protection and Sustainable Development of Bizerte (APEDDUB) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Association For Human Rights in Ethiopia (AHRE) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Association for Promotion Sustainable Development (APSD) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Association for Sustainable Development in Tunisia or Verein zur Nachhaltigen Entwicklung in Tunesien (VNET) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Association la Ruche de la citoyenneté active de Tozeur 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Association Lead Tchad 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Association Nigérienne des Scouts de l'Environnement (ANSEN) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Association of Environmental Education for Future Generations (AEEFG) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Association of the Environmental Scientists for an Integrated Development (ASEDI) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Association of United Patriots for Development (AUPD) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Association of Voluntary Actions for Society (AVAS) (Bangladesh) 20 1 95% 0% 0%
Association Tunisienne Des Femmes Démocrates ATFD 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Associação de Jovens Engajamundo 16 1 93% 0% 0%
ATD Fourth World (Mouvement international ATD Quart Monde) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Auriga 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Australian Student Christian Movement (Australia) 3 1 66% 0% 0%
Awaz Foundation Pakistan: Centre for Development Services 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Bad Activist Collective 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Balam's 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Balay Alternative Legal Advocates for Development in Mindanaw, Inc. (BALAOD Mindanaw) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Bali Children's Project (Bali, Indonesia) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Bali Legal Aid Foundation 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Bandung Legal Aid (LBH Bandung) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Bangladesh Auxiliary Services for Social Advancement (BASSA) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association (BELA) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Bangladesh Human Rights and Resources Development Society (BHRRDS) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Bangladesh Integrated Social Advancement Program 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Bangladesh Krishok Federation (BKF) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (BUP) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Barana Community Nature & Heritage Pak Association (Solomon Islands) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Bareedo Platform (Garowe, Puntland, Somalia) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Barefoot Law (Kampala, Uganda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Barranquilla+20 13 1 92% 0% 0%
BASEflow (Blantyre, Malawi) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Basi-Go (Nairobi, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Basic Needs Kenya (Nairobi, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Bassari Africa (Senegal) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Baus Taka (Mombasa, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
BBP Pariwar 5 1 80% 0% 0%
BEADS For Education (Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Bersihkan Indonesia (Clean Indonesia) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Beta Charitable Trust 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Beyond Beijing Committee (BBC) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Bharat Jan Vigyan Jatha 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Bicionarios 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Bicitekas A.C. 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Bicycling Empowerment Network (BEN) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Bilan Awdal Organization Somalia 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Biocarbon Partners (Lusaka, Zambia) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Biodiversity and Biosafety Association BIBA (Thika, Kenya) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Biofuelwatch 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Bioresources Development and Conservation Programme 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Black Earth Collective (Berlin, Germany) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Black Indigenous Liberation Movement 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Bless A Child Foundation (Kampala, Uganda) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Blue Ventures (Madagascar) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
BlueGreen Alliance 11 1 90% 0% 0%
BOMA Project 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Both ENDS 13 1 92% 0% 0%
BRAC 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Brazilian Centre for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Bridges-puentes (Colombia) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Broad Initiatives for Negros Development (BIND) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Brota no Clima 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Budondo Intercultural Center (Iganga, Uganda) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Buildher (Nairobi, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Building Nations Initiative (Nigeria) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino (BMP) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Bytes For All 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Call for Environment Conservation Organization 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association - ADHOC 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Campaign for a Life of Dignity for All (KAMP) 7 7 0% 0% 0%
Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Campaign for Female Education CAMFED 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Campaign for Justice (Vanuatu) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Campaign for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (CSRL) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Campana Octuber Azul 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Campaña Mesoamericana para la Justicia Climática 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Captain Fanplastic (Cape Town, South Africa) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Carbon Initiative Forum (India) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Carbon Tanzania (Arusha, Tanzania) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Carbon180 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Carboun: Middle East Sustainable Cities 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Care about Climate 8 1 87% 0% 0%
CARE Bangladesh 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Care For Environment 16 1 93% 0% 0%
CARE International 15 1 93% 0% 0%
CARE Vanuatu 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Caritas - Catholic Youth 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Caritas Bangladesh 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Caritas Chile 11 1 90% 0% 0%
CARITAS Zambia 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Carre Geo & Environment Association (CGE) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Casa Fluminense 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Catlyst For Social Action And Development Organization 11 1 90% 0% 0%
CatoFoods (Iwo, Osun, Nigeria) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
CEDENMA 7 1 85% 0% 0%
CEDENPA – Centro de Estudos e Defesa do Negro do Pará 10 1 90% 0% 0%
CEEW (Council on Energy , Environment and Water) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
CEMDA 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Center for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development (CARRD) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Center for Civil Society, University of Kawazulu Natal 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Center For Defenders Human Rights "Kylym Shamy" 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Center for Environmental Justice 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Center for Indigenous Knowledge and Organizational Development (CIKOD) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Center for Natural Resource Studies (CNRS) 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Center for Participatory Research and Development (CPRD) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Center for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North Russia (CSIPN) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Centre Akamuri (Bujumbura, Burundi) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Centre For 21st Century Issues (C21st) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Centre for Applied Biodiversity Research and Education (CABRE) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Centre for Catalyzing Change (New Delhi, India) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Centre for Citizens Conserving Environment & Management (CECIC) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Centre for Citizens Conserving Environment and Management (CECIC) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Centre for Coastal Environmental Conservation (CCEC)) 25 1 96% 0% 0%
Centre for Development and Peace (CDP) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Centre For EarthWorks 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Centre For Environment Communication (CEC) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Centre for Environment Education 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Centre for Environment Justice and Development (CEJAD) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Centre for Environment, Technology and Development Malaysia CETDEM 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Centre for Environmental Rights (CER) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock (CIEL) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Centre for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims (CLAPV) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Centre for Peace and Justice Pakistan (CPJP) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Centre for Policy Research 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Centre for Policy Research and Governance 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Centre for Poverty Analysis (CEPA) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Centre for Research on Clean Energy and Air (CREA) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Centre for Rural Technology 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Centre for Science and Environment 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Centre for Social Markets (CSM) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Centre for Supporting Green Development 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Centre for the Sustainable use of Natural and Social Resources (CSNR) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Centre of Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Centro Alexander Von Humboldt 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Centro Amazónico de Antropología y Aplicación Práctica 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Centro de Capacitación en Ecología y Salud para Campesinos or Defensoría del Derecho a la Salud 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Centro de Desarrollo Integral Campesino de la Mixteca (CEDICAM) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Centro de Desenvolvimento Agroecológico do Cerrado (CEDAC) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Centro de Documentación Desarrollo Regional 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Centro de Estudios sobre los Derechos de la Infancia, Adolescencia y Familia (Cediaf) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Centro de Estudios y Apoyo al Desarrollo Local 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Centro de Políticas Públicas y Derechos Humanos – Perú EQUIDAD 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Centro de Servicios Agropecuarios Tecnicos Chuquisaca (CESATCH) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Centro Humboldt 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (RIMISP) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental (CEMDA) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Centro Nicaragüense de Conservación Ambiental (CENICA) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Centro Uruguayo de Tecnologías Apropiadas 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Chako Zanzibar (Mndo, Zanzibar, Tanzania) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Chandradip Development Society 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Chennai Climate Action Group 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Child Health and Environment Save Society (CHESS) Nepal 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Chile Sustentable 9 1 88% 0% 0%
China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation 7 1 85% 0% 0%
China Labour Bulletin (CLB) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Chintan Environmental Research and Action Group (India) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
CHIRAPAQ Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú 14 1 92% 0% 0%
CHOICE Humanitarian 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Chongqing Liangjiang Voluntary Service Center 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Christian Action for Development & Support (CADS) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Christian Aid Kenya 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Christian Aid Nepal 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Church of Bangladesh Social Development Programme (CBSDP) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
CIDSE 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Citizen Justice Network (CJN) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Citizens Environmental & Social Concern (CESCo) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Ciudad Saludable (Healthy City) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Civam 11 1 90% 0% 0%
CIVICUS - Global Alliance for Citizen Participation 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Clean Energy Nepal 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Climalab 18 1 94% 0% 0%
Climate Action Network 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Climate Action Network Algeria 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Climate Action Network Canada 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Climate Activist Defenders (CAD) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Climate Change Network Nigeria (CCN-Nigeria) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Climate de Perifa 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Climate Front India 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Climate Home News 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Climate Hub Tanzania 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Climate Justice Alliance 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Climate Justice Coalition 18 18 0% 0% 0%
Climate Justice Fund 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Climate KIC 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Climate Litigation Network 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Climate Policy Initiative CPI 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Climate Reality Project Brasil 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Climate Save Argentina 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Climate Strategies 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Climate Watch Thailand 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Coalition of African Debt and Development Alternatives (CAD-Mali) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Coalizão Negra por Direitos 9 1 88% 0% 0%
COAST 12 1 91% 0% 0%
COAST Trust 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Coastal & Marine Resource Development COMRED (Mombasa, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Coastal Development Partnership (CDP) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Coastal Livelihood Ecology and Action Network 6 1 83% 0% 0%
CODEFF 11 1 90% 0% 0%
CODESDI 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Colectivo Cultural Wenewen 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Colectivo Reciclador 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Colectivo Viento Sur 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Comisión de Derechos Humanos (COMISEDH) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Comisión Episcopal de Acción Social (CEAS) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Comisión Intereclesial de Justicia y Paz 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Comité de Unidad Campesina (CUC) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Communities Health Africa Trust (Nanyuki, Kenya) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Community Action for Healing Poverty Organization (Afghanistan) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Community Advocacy and Awareness CRAWN Trust (Nairobi, Kenya) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Community Impact Programs 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Community Initiatives for Development in Pakistan 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Community Initiatives for Rural Development (CIFORD Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Community Resource Centre Foundation (CRC) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Community Sustainable Development Empowerment Programme (COSDEP) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Community Transformation Foundation Network 11 1 90% 0% 0%
ComMutiny - The Youth Collective (New Delhi, India) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Comunicação Uneafro Brasil 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Comunidades Catalizadoras (ComCat) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Concern Universal (CU) 21 1 95% 0% 0%
Conectas Direitos Humanos (Brasil) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Conexiones Climáticas 10 1 90% 0% 0%
CONGCOOP (Guatemala) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd 10 1 90% 0% 0%
ConnectHear (Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Consciente Colectivo 9 9 0% 0% 0%
Conservation Through Public Health CTPH (Entebbe, Uganda) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Conserve Global 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Consumers Association of Penang 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Coordenação Nacional de Articulação de Quilombos (CONAQ) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Coordinadora de Comunidades y Asociaciones por el Desarrollo Integral del Pueblo Ch'orti (COMUNDICH) 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Coordinadora de Organizaciones Populares del Aguán (COPA) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Corporación Motum 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Corporación Privada para el Desarrollo de Aysén 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Corporación Verde 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Corporate Accountability 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa (CAPPA) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Corproación Chile Derechos 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Correntinos contra el cambio climático 11 11 0% 0% 0%
Council for Development and Environmental Studies and Conservation (MADESCO) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Council for Education and Development COPED (Burundi) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
County Government of Kitui 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Creando Sueños Abriendo Caminos 7 1 85% 0% 0%
CRIAA SA-DC 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Crude Accountability 13 1 92% 0% 0%
CTRAN Consulting Ltd (India) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Cultural Survival 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Culture Hack 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Cup of Uji Kenya (Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Cverde 3 1 66% 0% 0%
Cycle Connect (Gulu, Uganda) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
DABY Foundation 8 1 87% 0% 0%
DAKILA — Philippine Collective for Modern Heroism 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Dala Institute 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Dan Church Aid (Bangladesh) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Dandelion Africa (Nakuru, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Dar Al-Salam Organization (Peace House) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Darajati Environmental Conservation Society 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Data Labe 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Defensa de los mares al sur del mundo 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Department of Climate Change (Vanuatu) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Desert Research Foundation of Namibia 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Development Alternatives (India) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Development Resource Communication & Services Centre DRCSC 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Dhaatri 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Diakonia 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Diaries of the Ocean 18 1 94% 0% 0%
Dig Deep 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Divine Outreach Foundation 11 1 90% 0% 0%
División Juvenil de Cambio Climático 9 1 88% 0% 0%
DjibEnergy Services (Djibouti City, Djibouti) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Djibouti Network for Civil Society or Djibouti Nature Association 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Doc Society 6 1 83% 0% 0%
DOCUBOX 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Droits Humains Ocean Indien (Mauritius) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Dubai Cares 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Durian (Akure, Ondo, Nigeria) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
E-Cover (Dakar, Senegal) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
E3G (Third Generation Environmentalism) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Earth Charter 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Earth Child Project (Western Cape, South Africa) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Earth Day International Network 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Earth Day Network, India (Regional Network) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Earth Hour Tunisia 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Earth Journalism Network (EFN) 21 1 95% 0% 0%
Earth X 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Earthlife Africa (South Africa) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
EarthLore 11 1 90% 0% 0%
EarthWorks 15 1 93% 0% 0%
East African Civil Society Organisations Forum 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Eastern and Southern Africa Small Scale Farmers Forum (ESAFF) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
ECAM 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Eco Amet Solutions Limited (EAS) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Eco Benin 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Eco Brixs (Masaka, Uganda) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Eco House Global 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Eco Huellas 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Eco Líder GTO 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Eco-Conservation Initiatives (Pakistan) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Eco-Network (Dhaka, Bangladesh) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Ecoaldea Aldeafeliz 6 1 83% 0% 0%
EcoBlock & Tiles (Gilgil, Nakuru, Kenya) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Ecobrisa Environmental Solutions 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Ecociencia 8 1 87% 0% 0%
ECOFAV (India) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
EcoHimal Nepal 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Ecojiko briquettes (Nyeri, Kenya) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
ECOLISE 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Ecology Africa Foundation E.A.F 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Economic Justice Network of the Fellowship of Christian Councils in Southern Africa (EJN of FOCCISA) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
EcoWaste Coalition 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Ecoworld Recycling (Watamu, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Ecozambia 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Eden Trust (India) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Education For All Children EFAC (Nairobi, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
EFC West 11 1 90% 0% 0%
EFECTO FRACTAL 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu (EKT) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
EkoRural 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Ekta Parishad (India) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
El Foro del Buen Ayre de Argentina or Foro del Buen Aire 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Elang Etas Association (Vanuatu) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Elman Peace & Human Rights Centre (Mogadishu, Somalia) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Elohim Development Association (Luwero, Uganda) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Elohim Development Foundation (Makurdi, Nigeria) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Eminence Associates for Social Development (Bangladesh) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Emmaus International Trust 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Emonyo Yefwe International 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Empower Tanzania (Tanzania) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Empowered Girls (Arusha, Tanzania) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Encuentro Ciudadano Lagunero 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Endorois Indigenous Women Empowerment Network (EIWEN) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Energy and Climate Policy Institute (ECPI) Korea 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Energy Assured (Bauchi State, Nigeria) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Engajamundo 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Ensan Diamond 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Entojutu (Ibadan, Nigeria) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
ENVAROS R&D Hub 11 1 90% 0% 0%
ENVenture (Uganda) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Environics Trust India 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Environment Governed Integrated Organisation (EnGIO) (India) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Environment Recherche Action Cameroun 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Environmental and Social Development Organization (ESDO) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Environmental Buddies 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Environmental Capacities and Sustainability Institute (ECAS Institute) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Environmental Development Action in the Third World (ENDA) or ENDA ENERGIE 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Environmental Foundation Limited (EFL) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Environmental Justice Foundation (EJFoundation) 18 1 94% 0% 0%
Environmental Protection Society Malaysia (EPSM) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Environmental Rights Action (ERA) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Environmental Rights Action (Nigeria) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Equations India 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Equipo de Reflexión, Investigación y Comunicación (ERIC) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights (EMDHR) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
ETC Group 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Etica en los Bosques (EBB) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
EU Food Policy Coalition 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Evangelical Fellowship Of India Commission On Relief (EFICOR) 9 2 77% 0% 0%
Extinction Rebellion India 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Fair Green and Global (FGG) Alliance 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Faith and Justice Network of the Mano River Basin Countries 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Faith in Action (Burundi) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
FALA Impacto Studio 23 1 95% 0% 0%
Famílias pelo Clima 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Fanamby 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Farm Support Association (Vanuatu) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Farmz2U (Victoria Island, Nigeria) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Fast Rural Development Program (FRDP) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
FAUBA Verde 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Federation of Community Forestry Users (FECOFUN) 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Federation of Organs for Social and Educational Assistance (FASE) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Femme en Action Rurale de Madagascar FARM 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Femmes Côte D’Ivoire Experience (FCIEX) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Fervura no Clima 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Festivales Solidarios 11 1 90% 0% 0%
FIAN International 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Fiji 2 2 0% 0% 0%
Fisherman's Rest Outreach Malawi - Wales (Lilongwe, Malawi) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Flexi Biogas Systems (Nairobi, Kenya) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Flood Based Livelihoods Network - Rain Harvesting Malawi (Lilongwe, Malawi) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
FOCO.INPADE 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Focolare 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Focus on the Global South 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, A.C. (FMCN) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Fondo Semillas 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Food First 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Food First Information and Action Network (FIAN) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Food Security Network - Khani 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Food4Education (Nairobi, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Footsteps (Dhaka, Bangladesh) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
For Equality (Lilongwe, Malawi) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
For Rangers Africa 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Forest Peoples Programme 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Forum Asia 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Fostering People’s Education, Empowerment and Enterprise, Inc. (FPE3) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Foundation for African Medicine & Education FAME (Karatu, Tanzania) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Foundation for Community and Community Development FOCCAD (Nkhotakota, Malawi) 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Foundation for Environment and Development (FEDEV) 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Foundation for the Conservation of the Earth (FOCONE) 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Frente Ambiental Yolanda Ortiz 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Freo2 Foundation 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Friday For Future Posadas 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Fridays For Future Chile (Viernes Por El Futuro Chile) 11 2 81% 0% 0%
Fridays For Future India 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Fridays for Future Most Affected People and Areas 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Friends of Arabuko Sokoke (Malindi, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Friends of Karura Forest (Nairobi, Kenya) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Friends of Kenya Rising (Kakamega, Kenya) 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Friends of Lake Turkana (FoLT) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Friends of Nature 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Friends of Oloolua Forest (Ngong, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Friends of the Earth El Salvador 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Friends of the Earth International 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Friends of the Earth Mexico or Otros Mundos 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Friends of the Earth Scotland 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Friends of the Earth Sierra Leone 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Friends of the Earth Togo 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Front Line Defenders 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Fundacion Tierra Viva 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Fundación Basura 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Fundación Ciudadanía Inteligente 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Fundación Comparlante 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Fundación Construir 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Fundación de Mujeres Luna Creciente (Ecuador) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Fundación Economía para el Desarrollo (Guatemala) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Fundación El Árbol 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Fundación Gaia 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Fundación Mingako 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Fundación Pachamama 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Fundación para Promover el Desarrollo Humano Ayni 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Fundación Protestante Hora de Obrar or ACTAlianza 20 1 95% 0% 0%
Fundación Pulso Educativo 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Fundación Solar 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Fundación Tantí 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Fundação Amazonas Sustentável (FAS) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Further Arts (Vanuatu) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Future Generations Afghanistan 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Future Generations Empowerment Organisation (Afghanistan) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Futuro Renovable 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Futuros Indigenas 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Fé no Clima 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Fórum Mudanças Climáticas e Justiça Socioambiental 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Gana Unnayan Kendra (GUK) (Bangladesh) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Gardens for Health International (Ndera, Rwanda) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Gastivists Collective 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Gatsby Africa 8 8 0% 0% 0%
GEMA ALAM Nusa Tenggara Barat (GEMA ALAM) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Gender and Climate Justice Circle Society of Gender Professionals 18 1 94% 0% 0%
Gender CC Southern Africa 18 1 94% 0% 0%
Gender Links 11 1 90% 0% 0%
GenderCC – Women for Climate Justice 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Georgie Badiel Foundation 7 1 85% 0% 0%
GGEM Farming (Nkhotakota, Malawi) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Ghana Youth Environmental Movement (GYEM) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Girl Up Initiative (Kampala, Uganda) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
GirlDreamer 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Girlkind Kenya (Garissa, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Girls for Climate Action 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Girls Livelihood and Mentorship Initiative GLAMI (Arusha, Tanzania) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Girls To Lead Africa (Kamungo, Uganda) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Gitib Inc 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Gjenge Makers (Nairobi, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Glean Society Network 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGA) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Global Environment Centre GEC 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Global Environmental Institute (GEI) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Global Forest Coalition (GFC) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (GI-ESCR) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Global Initiative for Environment & Reconciliation (GER) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Global Initiative for Food Security and Ecosystem Preservation (GIFSEP) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Global Island Partnerships 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Global Justice Now 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Global Landscapes Forum 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Global Resilience Partnership 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Global Tapestry of Alternatives (GTA) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Global Witness 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Global Women's Project 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Global Youth Biodiversity Network 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Global Youth Biodiversity Network GYBN 12 1 91% 0% 0%
GlobalChoices 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Go Plant Tanzania 4 1 75% 100% 0%
Gomal Damaan Area Water Partnership 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Good Food Good Farming (GFGF) 19 1 94% 0% 0%
GoodMarket (Colombo, Sri Lanka) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (India) 18 1 94% 0% 0%
Goulbi NGO 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Government NDMO (Marshall Islands) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
GRABE-Benin 7 1 85% 0% 0%
GRAIN 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Grameen Bank 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Grassroots Women Operating in Sisterhood GROOTS (Nairobi, Kenya) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Great Hope Foundation (Tanzania) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Green Africa Youth Organisation (GAYO) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Green Belt Movement Kenya 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Green Camel Bell (GCB) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Green Concreta 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Green Foster Action Uganda 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Green Generation Foundation (GGF) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Green Generation Initiative 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Green Girls Platform 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Green Initiatives Tanzania 19 1 94% 0% 0%
Green Knowledge Foundation 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Green Movement of Sri Lanka 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Green REV Institute 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Green Science Organization 20 1 95% 0% 0%
Green Technology Solomon Islands/Tookina Tribal Land Conservation Association 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Green Thinkers Youth Association 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Green Wave Vanuatu (No Plastic Plis) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Green Way Society – Kabul 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Green Zhejiang 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Greener Impact International 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Greeners Action 8 1 87% 0% 0%
GreenID Innovation and Development Centre 9 1 88% 0% 0%
GreenMind (أو الفكر الأخضر) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Greenovation Hub 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Greenpeace 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Greenpeace Andino (Argentina- Chile- Colombia) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Greenpeace Australia Pacific 10 2 80% 0% 0%
Greenpeace India 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Greenpeace Indonesia 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Grevy's Zebra Trust (Nairobi, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Groots Kenya 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Groundswell International 13 1 92% 0% 0%
GroundWork 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Groupe d’Action de Paix et de Formation pour la Transformation (GAPAFOT) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Grupo de Jóvenes de Amnistía Internacional Argentina 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Grupo Impulsor de Jóvenes 10 1 90% 0% 0%
GT de Gênero e Justiça Climática (The Climate Observatory) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Guinea Ecologie 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Hagamos Composta (Ciudad de México, Mexico) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Haití Survie 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Haki Zetu (Mwanza, Tanzania) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Haller Foundation (Mombasa, Kenya) 18 16 11% 0% 0%
Hape Development and Welfare Association 10 1 90% 0% 0%
HarHub (Hargeysa, Somalia) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Harita Dhara Research Development and Education Foundation (HRDEF) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Hashoo Foundation (Pakistan) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Hatof Foundation 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Health Alert Organization (Rwanda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Health Builders (Kigali, Rwanda) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Health Care Without Harm 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Healthy Learners (Lusaka, Zambia) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Hello Tractor (Nairobi, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Help Foundation 14 1 92% 0% 0%
HELVETAS 14 1 92% 0% 0%
HELVETAS Bangladesh 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Himalaya Niti Abhiyan (HNA) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Hitaishi (Bangladesh) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Hivos 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Hivos Southeast Asia 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Home of Hope (Uganda) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Honeyguide Tanzania (Arusha, Tanzania) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Honiara City Council 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Honiara Youth Council (HYC) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Hope of Family (Muhanga, Rwanda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Hope Tech Plus (Nairobi, Kenya) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Housing and Land Rights Network 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Huairou Commission 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Human Appeal 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Human Capacity Development International (HCDI) Vanuatu 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Human Environmental Association for Development (HEAD) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Human Rights Alliance, Nepal 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Human Rights Association for the Assistance of Prisoners (HRAAP) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Human Rights Center Viasna 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Human Rights Defenders’ Alert (India) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Human Rights Information and Training Center (HRITC) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Human Rights Movement (Bir Duino) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Humanitarian Assistance for Mothers and Children Organization 8 1 87% 0% 0%
HumanityWatch 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Huvadhoo Aid 9 1 88% 0% 0%
IBON International 8 1 87% 0% 0%
ICLEI Europe 6 1 83% 0% 0%
IDDRI 11 1 90% 0% 0%
IdealWoman (Masaka, Uganda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Iepé – Instituto de Pesquisa e Formação Indígena (Brasil) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
IForest International Forum for Environment, Sustainability & Technology 10 1 90% 0% 0%
IKO SAFI Africa (Nairobi, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Il’laramatak Community Concerns (ICC) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Imagine Her (Uganda) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Imbuto Foundation (Kacyiru, Kigali, Rwanda) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
IMPACT Kenya (Indigenous Movement for Peace Advancement and Conflict Transformation) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Inclusive Climate Change Adaptation for a Sustainable Africa ICCASA 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Index 14 14 0% 0% 0%
India Development Project (IDP) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Indian Network on Ethics and Climate Change (INECC) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Indian Social Action Forum – (iNSAF) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Indian Youth Climate Network 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Indian Youth Climate Network (IYCN) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Indigenous Climate Action (ICA) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Indigenous Environmental Network 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Indigenous Peoples Rights International (IPRI) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Indonesia 2 2 0% 0% 0%
Indonesia Center for Environmental Law (ICEL) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) (Indonesia) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Influential Women and Youth Green Home Organisation (Afghanistan) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Inherit Your Rights (Arusha, Tanzania) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Iniciativa Climática de México 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Initiative for Equality (IfE) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Initiatives for Sustainable and Integrated Development (IDID) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Innovation Africa 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Institute for Essential Service Reform 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) Indonesia 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Institute for Social and Environmental Transition- Nepal (ISET-N) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Institute for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Solutions (ISEES) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Institute of Financial Management and Research – Leveraging Evidence for Access and Development (IFMR-LEAD) (India) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Institute of Himalayan Environmental Research & Education (INHERE) (India) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and Papua New Guinea 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Institute Trade Union Policy Institute (GEFONT - TUPI) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Instituto Ayíka 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Instituto ClimaInfo 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Instituto de Defensa Legal del Ambiente y el Desarrollo Sostenible (IDLADS) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Instituto de Referência Negra Peregum 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Instituto Internacional Arayara 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Instituto Marielle Franco 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Instituto Mesoamericano de Permacultura (IMAP) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Instituto Polis 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Instituto Sociedade, População e Natureza (ISPN) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Integrated Regional Support Program (IRSP) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADE) (India) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Integrated Rural Awareness & Development Organization (IRADO) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Integrated Rural Development Foundation (IRDF) 19 1 94% 0% 0%
Integrated Social Development Effort (ISDE) Bangladesh 8 1 87% 0% 0%
International Accountability Project (IAP) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
International Analog Forestry Network (IAFN) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
International Civil Society Centre 8 1 87% 0% 0%
International Commission of Jurists 11 1 90% 0% 0%
International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
International Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self-Determination and Liberation (IPMSDL) 20 1 95% 0% 0%
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
International 7 1 85% 0% 0%
International Legal Initiative 10 1 90% 0% 0%
International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development (INFID) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
International Rivers 15 1 93% 0% 0%
International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
International Student Environmental Coalition (ISEC) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
International Youth Council Yemen (IYCY) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Internews 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Interwaste Research and Development (East Africa) Trust 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Inuit Circumpolar Council ICC 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Iriba Water Group (Kigali, Rwanda) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Irri-hub (Nairobi, Kenya) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Iselandscare Foundation 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Islamic Relief (Bangladesh) 9 2 77% 0% 0%
Itijah Organization 10 1 90% 0% 0%
IT´S NOW ORG 11 1 90% 0% 0%
IWDA Diverse Voices and Action for Equality (DIVA) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Iyaleta - Pesquisa, Ciências e Humanidades 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Jacaranda Foundation (Limbe, Malawi) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Jafuta Foundation (Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Jamaa Resource Initiatives (Kenya) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Jana Jagruti 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Janathakshan (GTE) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Jaring 4 1 75% 0% 0%
JASS (Just Associates) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
JATAM (Mining Advocacy Network) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Jifundishe (Arusha, Tanzania) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Jovenes por el Clima Argentina 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Jubilee South – Asia/Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (JSAPMDD) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Judav Sansthan (India) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Judith Chikonde Foundation (JCF) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Just One Africa 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Just Planet 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Justiça Ambiental JA! Friends of the Earth Mozambique 16 10 37% 0% 0%
Juventudes Intercoenctadas 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Juventudes por Latinoamérica y el Caribe - Bolivia 10 1 90% 0% 0%
JVE International 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Kabubbu Development Project (Kampala, Uganda) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Kakenya's Dream (Kenya) 16 11 31% 0% 0%
Kalayaan Philippines 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Kalikasan People's Networks for the Environment (PNE) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Kalimudan Culture & Arts – Mindanao 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Kalpavriksh 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Kalpavriksh – Environment action group 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Kanopi Hijau Indonesia (Green Canopy Indonesia) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Karapatan Alliance Philippines Inc. 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN) 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Karnali Integrated Rural Development And Research Centre (KIRDARC) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Kastom Garden Association (Solomon Islands) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Katingan Mentaya Project (Jakarta, Indonesia) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and the Rule of Law 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Kemitraan 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Kenarava Group LTD. (Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Kenya Climate Innovation Centre (Nairobi, Kenya) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Kenya Kesho School for Girls (Kwale, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Kenya Wildlife Conservancies Association KWCA (Nairobi, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Kenyan Youth Biodiversity Network (Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Kesatuan Nelayan Tradisional Indonesia (KNTI) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Kesho Kenya (Kilifi, Kenya) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Kilusan para sa Pambansang Demokrasya (KPD) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Kilusan para sa Repormang Agraryo at Katarungang Panlipunan (KATARUNGAN) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Kiri EV (Nairobi, Kenya) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Kiribati Climate Action Network 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Kisumu Environmental Champions 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Klima Action Malaysia 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Koalisi Anti Utang (KAU) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Koalisi Langit Biru (Blue Sky Coalition) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Koalisi Rakyat untuk Hak Atas Air (KRuHA, People’s Coalition for the Right to Water) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Koalisi Rakyat untuk Keadilan Perikanan or The People’s Coalition for Fisheries Justice (KIARA) (Indonesia) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Komaza (Kilifi, Kenya) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Komera (Rwinkwavu, Rwanda) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Komunitas Lingkar Hijau 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Kongreso ng Pagkakaisa ng mga Maralita ng Lunsod (KPML) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Konsorsium pendukung Sitem Hutan Kerakyatan (KpSHK) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
KopeLion (Ngorongoro, Tanzania) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Korea Federation for environment movement (KFEM friends of earth) (South Korea) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Korean House for International Solidarity (Republic of Korea) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
KOTHOWAIN (Bangladesh) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
KRuHA Water Coalition Indonesia (KRuHA) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Kula Project 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Kuruwitu Conservation and Welfare Association (Vipingo, Kenya) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Kusini Water (Johannesburg, South Africa) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Kuza Coolers (Mombasa, Kenya) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Kwacha Africa (Mombasa, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Kyaninga Child Development Centre (Kasese, Uganda) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Kyaro Assistive Tech (Arusha, Tanzania) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
KZWMN (Korea Zero Waste Movement Network) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
La Asociación Qachuu Aloom “Madre Tierra” 10 1 90% 0% 0%
La Bitacora 8 1 87% 0% 0%
La Casa dels Futurs 4 1 75% 0% 0%
La Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas (CAOI) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
La Ruta del Clima 9 1 88% 0% 0%
La Sandia Digital Laboratorio de Cultura Audiovisual A.C. 12 1 91% 0% 0%
La Sociedad Científica Latinoamericana de Agroecología (SOCLA) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
La Tlacuacha Compartida 8 1 87% 0% 0%
La Via Campesina 18 1 94% 0% 0%
LabJaca 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Laboratório de Clima da Purpose Brasil 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Labour Spring Organization 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Laikipia Permaculture Centre Trust (Laikipia, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Lake Victoria Basin Talent Development and Adolescent Health LVDAH (Kisumu, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Lamu Marine Conservation Trust (Lamu, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Lamu Youth Alliance (Lamu, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Land is Life 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Land O'Lakes Venture37 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Landscape and Conservation Mentors Organization LCMO (Mpanda, Katari, Tanzania) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Lao Movement for Human Rights (LMHR) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
LATE! 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Latin American Climate Lawyers Initiative for Mobilizing Action (LACLIMA ) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Latin Clima 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Latinas for Climate 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Latvian Human Rights Committee 5 1 80% 0% 0%
LCOY2 Chile 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Le Groupe d’Action de Réflexion sur l’Environnement et le Développement (GARED) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
LEAD SEA Southern & Eastern Africa 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Leadership for Environment & Development (LEAD India) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
LeafyLife (Nairobi, Kenya) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
League for the Law of the Congolese (LDFC) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Legado GAIA 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Lesotho Council of NGOs (LCN) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Let India Breathe 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Let Me Breathe 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Lewa Wildlife Conservancy (Isiolo, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Libyan wildlife trust 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Libyan Youth Climate Movement (LYCM) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Lideres Pasocap 6 1 83% 0% 0%
LifeNet International 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Liga de Defensa del Medio Ambiente (LIDEMA) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Light House 10 1 90% 0% 0%
LILAK (Purple Action for Indigenous Women – Philippines) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Lion Guardians (Nairobi, Kenya) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Lion Landscapes (Laikipia, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Lion Recovery Fund 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Little Sun 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Live & Learn Environmental Education - Solomon Islands 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Live & Learn Kiribati 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Living Laudato Sí Philippines 3 1 66% 0% 0%
Living Rivers Movement 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Local Environment Development and Agricultural Research Society (LEDARS) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development (LI-BIRD) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Local Ocean Conservation (Watamu, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
LWALA Community Alliance (Migori, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) (India) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Maasai Conservation Fund (Tanzania) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Maasai Mara Wildlife Conservancies Association (Narok, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust (Kenya) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Maasailand Development for Women and Children (Arusha, Tanzania) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
MADRE 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Mahatma Phule Samaj Seva Mandal (MPSSM) (India) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Mahila Kisan Adhikaar Manch (Forum For Women Farmers’ Rights) MAKAAM 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Main Page 48 1 97% 0% 0%
MainSprings (Tanzania) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Make Every Woman Count MEWC 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Making More Health 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Malaysian Youth Delegation (MYD) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
MALI FOLKECENTER (MFC) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Maloto (Mzuzu, Malawi) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Mamma’s Laef (Vanuatu) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Manusher Jonno Foundation 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Marinduque Council for Environmental Concerns (MaCEC) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
MARUAH (Singapore) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Mary Anne Charity Trust (India) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
MASH Project Foundation (India) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Matibabu Foundation (Siaya, Kenya) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Mazingira Yetu Organisation (Nairobi, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Medibean 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Medical Mission Sisters 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Mercy International Association - Global Action 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Mesa Nacional de Cambio Climático de Guatemala 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Micronesia Climate Change Alliance 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Migrant Forum Asia (MFA) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Mihari (Madagascar) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Milaan Foundation (Gurugram, India) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Millenials for Environment 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Milpa Climática 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Mines, Minerals and People India (MM&P) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Mines, minerals and People India (MM&P) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Minga Indigena 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Ministry of Environment Climate Change and Disaster 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Misión Planeta 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Miti Alliance (Kiambu, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
MMWCA Maasai Mara Wildlife Conservancies Association 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Mollem Memory Project 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Mona Foundation 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Monitoring Sustainability of Globalization (MSN) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Moroccan Association for Environmental and Health Sciences and Techniques (AMSTES) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Mother Health International (Atiak, Uganda) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Mothers of Invention 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Mountain and Glacier Protection Organization (MGPO) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Mouvman Peyizan Papay (The Papaye Peasant Movement) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Movement for Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Movimento Nossa BH 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Movimiento Autónomo de Mujeres 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Movimiento Ciudadano frente al Cambio Climático (MOCICC) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Movimiento de Jóvenes Latinoamericanos y Caribeños frente al Cambio Climático (CLIC!) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Movimiento Movilizándonos por una Cultura de Derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Movimiento POP 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Movimiento por la Defensa del Agua, la Tierra y el Medio Ambiente (MODATIMA) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Moving Windmills Project (Kasungu, Malawi) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Mo’a Mau o te Taure’a-re’a (Gran respeto de la juventud) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Mpingo Conservation and Development Initiative (Kilwa Masoko, Tanzania) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Msichana Initiative (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Mulheres Unidas Pelo Clima - MUC Brasil 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Munasinghe Institute for Development (MIND) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Musika (Zambia) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Mutasim Nimir Center for Environmental Culture MNCEC (Khartoum, Sudan) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
My Birthday Tree Organisation 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Nabolok 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Nacham Africa (Bujumbura, Burundi) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Nagenairu Foundation 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Nakororiki Youth Association 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Nama Wellness Community Centre NAWEC (Mukono, Uganda) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Namati 11 1 90% 0% 0%
NASCO - Feeding Minds (Sawla, Ghana) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Nasituan 12 1 91% 0% 0%
National Alliance of People's Movements (NAPM) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) 16 3 81% 0% 0%
National Association Of Volunteer Work 6 1 83% 0% 0%
National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal 8 1 87% 0% 0%
National Center for Environmental Justice (Jordan) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
National Federation of Youth NGO (NFYN) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
National Fisheries Solidarity Movement 13 1 92% 0% 0%
National Movement of Recyclable Materials Tasters (MNCR) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
National Organization of Indigenous Peoples of the Colombian Amazon (OPIAC) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
National Union of Rural Based Organization (PKSK) Pambansang Katipunan Ng Mga Samahan Sa Kanayunan 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Native American Rights Fund (NARF) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Native Americans in Philanthropy 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Native Conservancy 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Native Movement 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Natural Justice 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Navadanya 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Nawai Nai Women Association (Afghanistan) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Near East Foundation (NEF) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
NEGRITAR Filmes e Produções 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Nepal Development Initiative (NEDI) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Nepal Integrated Development Initiatives (NIDI) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Nepal Muslim Women Welfare Society (NMWWS) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Nepal Water Conservation Foundation 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Nepal Water Conservation Foundations 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Nepalese Youth For Climate Action 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Network on Climate Change in Bangladesh (NCCB) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Nexus3 Foundation 6 1 83% 0% 0%
NGO AGRECOL Africa 6 1 83% 0% 0%
NGO Forum for Public Health 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Ngong Road Forest Association (Nairobi, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
NGOs for Fisheries Reform (NFR) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Nia Tero 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Nicaragua Young Environmentalists 9 1 88% 0% 0%
NIDA -Pakistan 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Nigerian Environmental Study and Action Team (NEST) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Nigerian Youth Climate Coalition 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Nkhudzi Bay Utale Club Environment 13 4 69% 0% 0%
No Taka (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
No Tan Distintes 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Nobel Women’s Initiative 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Non-timber Forest Products Exchange Programme (NTFP-EP) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
North Star NGO 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Northern Rangelands Trust (Isiolo, Kenya) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Nourishing Africa (Lagos, Nigeria) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Nurture Africa (Uganda) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Nurturing Minds (Tanzania) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Nuruyetu Foundation 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Nyaka (Kampala, Uganda) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Nyungu Afrika (Nairobi, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
O Clima de Mudança 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Observatorio de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos de las personas con discapacidad (ODISEX Perú) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Observatorio Plurinacional de Salares Andinos (Chile – Argentina – Bolivia) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Observatório do clima 14 14 0% 0% 0%
OceanSole Africa 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Odhikar 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Ods 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Oikos,East Africa 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Oil Change International 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Oil Refinery Resident Association (ORRA) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
OJEDD International 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Okeanos Sustainable Sea Transport Ltd 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Okere Community Development Project - Okere City (Uganda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Ol Pejeta Conservancy (Kenya) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
One Acre Fund (Kakamega, Kenya) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
ONG CEUS Chile 9 1 88% 0% 0%
ONG Defensoría Ambiental (Chile) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
ONG Ecosistemas 13 1 92% 0% 0%
ONG EDEN Entreprendre pour le Développement et l’ENvironnement 11 1 90% 0% 0%
ONG FIMA (Chile) 21 1 95% 0% 0%
ONG HITSY (Madagascar) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Ong Ríos To Rivers (Chile) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
ONG Sustentarse 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Online Knowledge Society 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Open Briefing 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Open Society University Network 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Organización De Apoyo Estudiantil (TECNOCIENCIA) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Organización del Pueblo Indígena Nahua de Honduras (OPINAH) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
ORGN 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Orkeeswa (Arusha, Tanzania) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Our Climate 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Our Rivers Our Life (OROL) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Ouroots Africa (Mpigi, Uganda) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Oxfam 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Oxfam - Solomon Islands 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Oxfam Asia 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Oxfam in the Pacific 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Oxfam India 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Oxfam Pakistan 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Oyu Tolgoi Watch (Mongolia) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Pachamama Alliance Oyugis 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Pacific Conference of Churches 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Pacific Island Students Fighting Climate Change (PISFCC) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change 12 1 91% 0% 0%
PaCivic 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Pacto por el Clima 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Pagkakaisa ng Kababaihan para sa Kalayaan (KAISA KA) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Pakistan Development Alliance 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Pakistan Kissan Rabita Committee 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Pakistan Relief Foundation 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Pakistan Water Partnership 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Palestinian Centre For Human Rights (PCHR) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
PAMACC 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Panos Caribbean 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Partenariat pour le Développement Local (PDL) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Participatory Research and Action Network (PRAAN) 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Partido Lakas ng Masa 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Partido ng Manggagawa 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Partnering Hope Into Action Foundation (PHIA) (India) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Partners in Prosperity 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Partnership for Clean Air 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Paryavaran Mitra 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Pass The Mic Climate 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Pastoral Peace Reconciliation Initiative ( PPRI) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Pastoral Social Caritas Potosí (PASOCAP) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Pastoralists Advocacy Programme 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Pastoralists Alliance for Resilience and Adaptation in Northern Kenya (PARAN) 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Pawa254 (Nairobi, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Paz y Esperanza 13 1 92% 0% 0%
PBI Guatemala 9 1 88% 0% 0%
PEACE (Public Education and Awareness Campaign for the Environment) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Peace Action and Training for Transformation Group (GAPAFOT) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Peace Parks Foundation (Cape Town, South Africa) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Peaceboats 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Peepal Foundation (India) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
PELUM Kenya 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Penabulu Foundation 11 1 90% 0% 0%
People of Asia for Climate Solutions (PACS) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
People with Disability Solomon Islands 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Peoples Federation for National Peace & Development (PEFENAP) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Peoples' Vigilance on Human Rights (PVCHR) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (PSPD) (Republic of Korea) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
People’s Watch (India) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Perifa Sustentável 8 1 87% 0% 0%
PerifaConnection 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Perkumpulan Prakarsa (Welfare Initiative for Better Societies) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor (Friends of Women) (PSWS) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Pesticide Action Network 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Pesticide Action Network (PAN India) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Petricor 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Philippine Human Rights Information Center (PHILRIGHTS) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Philippine Indigenous Peoples Links (PIPLinks) 21 1 95% 0% 0%
Philippine Misereor Partnership (PMPI) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Philippine Movement for Climate Justice (PMCJ) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Philippine Network of Environmental Journalists 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement (PRRM) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
PINGO's Forum 14 1 92% 0% 0%
PLAMETA - Plataforma Medioambiental 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Plan International 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Planet Women 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Planeteando 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Plant-for-the-Planet Ghana 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Plastiki Rafiki (Nairobi, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Plataforma Boliviana frente al Cambio Climático 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Plataforma Cipó 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Plataforma de Juventudes por la Justicia Climática 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Plate-forme haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Plateforme des Fédérations des Personnes Handicapés de Madagascar (PFPHMAD) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Political Review 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Polluters Out 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Política Juvenil Internacional 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Porgera Red River Women’s Association (Papua New Guinea) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy (PODA) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Pour une autre PAC 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Power Shift Africa 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Powering Potential (Tanzania) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Powwater (Nairobi, Kenya) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Practical Action 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Pragya Nepal 19 1 94% 0% 0%
Pragya Seeds Nepal (PGSN) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Prakriti Resources Centre (PRC) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Prodefensa del Nazas A.C. 15 15 0% 0% 0%
Prodipan (Bangladesh) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Project 90 by 2030 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Project C.U.R.E. 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Project Ethiopia 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Project MAJI 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Project Survival Pacific 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Projeto Saúde e Alegria - PSA 18 1 94% 0% 0%
Prometheus Institute for Democracy and Human Rights IPDDH 9 1 88% 0% 0%
PROYECTO VERDEO 8 8 0% 0% 0%
Public advocacy initiatives for rights and values in India (PAIRVI) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Public Association “Dignity” (Kadir-kasiyet) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Public Space Network (Nairobi, Kenya) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Pump Aid (Lilongwe, Malawi) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Purple Elephant Ventures (Nairobi, Kenya) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
PURPOSE (India) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Purvanchal Gramin Vikas Sansthan (PGVS) (India) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Pwani Youth Network (Mombasa, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Quadloop (Nigeria) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Radha Paudel Foundation (Nepal) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Rafiki wa Maendeleo Trust (Rarieda, Kenya) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Raices Horizontal AC Temascalapa 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Rainbow Pride Foundation (Fiji) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Rainforest Action Network 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Raising The Village (Kampala, Uganda) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Rajputana Society for Natural History (India) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Rapam 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Re-Earth Initiative 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Reaccion Climatica 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Reach a Hand Uganda RAHU (Kampala, Uganda) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
REACH for Uganda (Uganda) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
REAVI-BAHO Réseau d'Assistance pour les Victimes de Violence et d'Injustice au Burundi (Bujumbura, Burundi) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Reciclaje Ciudadano 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Red Cross Vanuatu 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Red de Biodigestores para Latino América y el Caribe LATAM 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Red de Energías Renovables Perú - Región Junín 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Red de Mujeres Forjadoras de Paz (REMUFPAZ) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Red Flag Women's Movement (RFWM) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Red Internacional de Promotores ODS 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Red Juvenil de Economía Circular - RED JEC 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Red Latinoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Sociales y Ambientales or Latin American Network of Women Defenders of Social and Environmental Rights 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Red Nuestras Ciudades 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Red por los Derechos de la Infancia en México 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Red Rocks Initiatives For Sustainable Development 11 1 90% 0% 0%
RED-PLAST 8 8 0% 0% 0%
REDAT ORURO 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Rede de Cooperação Amazônica (RCA) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
RedLama 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Reefolution Foundation (Wasini, Kenya) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Regeneration International 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Regional Conference of Youth Latin America and the Caribbean (RCOY LAC) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
ReLeaf (Uyo, Nigeria) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary (RSHM) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
REPLALEZ 7 1 85% 0% 0%
RESAMA - South American Network for Environmental Migrations 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Reseau Alternatif des Jeunes - Tunisian Youth Alternative Network (RAJ TUNISIE)) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Resilience Action International (Turkana West, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Resource Integration Centre (RIC) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
RETRAK 8 1 87% 0% 0%
RIADIS/IDA 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Right Energy Partnership 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Right to Food Movement (RTF BD) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Right to Food Network 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Right to Food Network Nepal 7 1 85% 0% 0%
RIM Youth Climate Movement 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Ripple Effect 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Rise Up Movement 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Ruedas del Desierto A.C. 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Rural Agency for Social and Technological Advancement (India) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Rural Education Volunteer and Social Development Program(REVSODEP GHANA) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Rural initiative for community Empowerment West Nile (RICE-WN) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Rwanda Biosolution (Nyamata, Rwanda) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Rwanda School Project (Rwamagana, Rwanda) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Réseau de solidarité des enfants et des jeunes pour le développement (RSEJD) ou TAFATAFA 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Réseau Initiative for Equality RIFE 12 1 91% 0% 0%
S.A.F.E. Kenya 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Safari Doctors (Lamu, Kenya) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Safe Landing 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Sagip Sierra Madre 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Sahabat Alam Malaysia - Friends of the Earth Malaysia (SAM) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Sahanala (Antananarivo, Madagascar) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Sahel Eco 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Salaam Baalak Trust (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Samira Empowerment and Humanitarian Project (Accra, Ghana) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Samvad (India) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Sanayee Development Organization 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Sanergy (Nairobi, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Sanitation and Water for All 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Sanlakas 5 1 80% 0% 0%
SAPACC (South Asians People's Action on Climate Crisis) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Sarilaya 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Save Thano Uttarakhand 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Save the Children Australia 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Save the Children Vanuatu 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Save the Earth Cambodia 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Save the Planet mission 2020 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Save the Planet mission2020 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Saving Africa's Nature SANA (Tanzania) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Saving Tuvalu 9 1 88% 0% 0%
SAWA Initiative (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Sawit Watch 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Schools & Colleges Permaculture Programme (SCOPE) 11 9 18% 0% 0%
Sedane Labour Resource Centre (LIPS) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Seedballs Kenya (Nairobi, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Set Her Free (Uganda) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Sevanatha Urban Resource Centre 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Shack / Slum Dwellers International (SDI) 18 1 94% 0% 0%
Shariatpur Development Society (SDS) (Bangladesh) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
SHE Changes Climate 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Shekinah Center (Rusaka Mwaro, Burundi) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Shining Hope for Communities SHOFCO (Nairobi, Kenya) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Shohratgarh Environmental Society (India) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Shushilan (Bangladesh) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Si-Kanda 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Sin Planeta B 7 7 0% 0% 0%
Sisonke Project 16 2 87% 0% 0%
Sista (Vanuatu) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Sixth World Solutions, LLC. 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Slycan Trust 14 1 92% 0% 0%
SmartICE 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Smile Foundation (New Delhi, Delhi, India) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
SNV 11 1 90% 0% 0%
SOA Argentina 13 1 92% 0% 0%
SOA Mexico 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Social Assistance and Rehabilitation for the Physically Vulnerable (SARPV) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Social Association for Development of Bangladesh 18 1 94% 0% 0%
Social Change Factory (Dakar, Senegal) 19 19 0% 0% 0%
Social Development Society (SDS) (India) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Social Economic Development Society (Bangladesh) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Social Scientists’ Association 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Social Watch International 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Social Youth Drive Foundation 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment (SCOPE) 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Society for Mobilization Advocacy and Justice (SMAAJ) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Society for People's Actions in Change and Equity (SPACE) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Society for Socio Economic and Ecological Development (SEED) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Soft Power Health (Uganda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
SokoFresh (Nairobi, Kenya) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Solar Chapter (Jakarta, Indonesia) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Solid'Africa (Kigali, Rwanda) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Solidaritas Perempuam (SP) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Solidaritas Perempuan (SP) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Solidarites International 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Solidarity for Afghan Families 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Solomon Islands Development Trust 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Solomon Islands National University 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Solon Foundation 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Solution Oriented Youth Africa (SOY Africa) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Solutions for Our Climate (SFOC) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Somali Greenpeace Association SOGPA (Wadajir, Mogadishu, Somalia) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Somarelang Tikologo 6 1 83% 0% 0%
SONGSHOPTAQUE (Bangladesh) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
South African Food Sovereignty Campaign (SAFSC) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
South African Youth Centre for Climate Change (SAYCCC) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
South African Youth Climate Change Coalition (SAYCCC) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
South American Network for Environmental Migrations (RESAMA) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
South Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
South Pole 7 1 85% 0% 0%
South Rift Association of Land Owners (Nairobi, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
South Sudan Environmental Advocates (SSEA) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Southern Africa Faith Communities Environment Institute (SAFCEI) 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Southern Africa Trust 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Southern African Development Community – Council of NGOs (SADC-CNGO) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Southern and Eastern African Trade Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
SouthSouthNorth (SSN) 20 1 95% 0% 0%
Springs of Arid and Semi-Arid Lands SASAL (Nairobi,Kenya) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Sri Lanka Red Cross Society 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Stay Grounded 6 1 83% 0% 0%
STEMBEES Organisation 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Stop Cambo Field 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Strategic Youth Network for Development (SYND) 8 6 25% 0% 0%
Street Business School 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Student Christian Movement SCM Pakistan 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM) (Malaysia) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Success Capital Organisation 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Sudan Youth Organisation on Climate Change 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Sudanese Environment Conservation Society (Khartoum Sudan) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Sudanese Environment Conservation Society (SECS) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Sumsel Bersih (Clean Sumsel) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
SunCulture (Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Sungai Watch (Yayasan, Indonesia) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Supporting Opportunities for Ugandans to Learn S.O.U.L. Foundation (Jinja, Uganda) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
SUPRO 18 18 0% 0% 0%
SURAKSHA (India) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Survival International 10 1 90% 0% 0%
SUSTAIN Tanzania (Dodoma, Tanzania) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Sustain267 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Sustainable Development Foundation (Pakistan) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Sustainable Development Initiative (SDI) 19 1 94% 0% 0%
Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Sustainable Energy For All 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Sustainable Environment and Development Foundation 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Sustainable Fish Farming Initiative (Nepal) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Sustainable Ocean Alliance Peru 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Sustainable Research & Action for Environmental Development (SRADev) 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Sustentabilidad Sin Fronteras (SSF) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Swayam Shikshan Prayog (India) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
SWC Sustaining the Wild Coast (South Africa) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
SWEET Africa Foundation 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Synchronicity Earth 7 1 85% 0% 0%
TAGMA - Una Escuela Sustentable (Jaureguiberry, Canelones, Uruguay) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Taita Taveta Wildlife Conservancies Association (Taita Taveta, Kenya) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Takachar (New Delhi, India) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Taller Ecologista 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Tambuyog Development Center 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Tamdeen Youth Foundation (TYF) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Tanjona Fivoaran'ny tanora (TA.FI.TA.) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Tanzania Women Architects for Humanity (Dar es Salaam, Tanzania) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Task Force Food Sovereignty (TFFS) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Te Kopu, Pacific Indigenous & Local Knowledge Centre of Distinction 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Te Toa Matoa (Kiribati) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Teach for Nigeria (Lagos, Nigeria) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Teach for Uganda (Kampala, Uganda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
TeachUNITED 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Tebtebba 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Tejiendo Pensamientos 14 1 92% 0% 0%
TENMYA21 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Terra Justa 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Terre de liens 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Terre des homes Foundation (India) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Thailand Sustainable Development Foundation (TSDF) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Thanal 12 1 91% 0% 0%
The African Women Development and Communication Network (Nairobi, Kenya) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
The Agahozo Shalom Youth Village (Rwamagana, Rwanda) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
The Amazon Conservation Team 19 1 94% 0% 0%
The Asian Peoples' Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
The Association of Indigenous Village Leaders (VIDS) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
The Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
The Big Whale Project 8 1 87% 0% 0%
The Cameroon Vision Trust (CAMVISION) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
The Climate Project Foundation (Climate Reality) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
The Climate Reality Project 7 1 85% 0% 0%
The Collective of Families of the Disappeared in Algeria 8 1 87% 0% 0%
The Community Forest Conservation Network of Tanzania (MJUMITA) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
The Democracy Center Bolivia 6 1 83% 0% 0%
The Energy and Resources Initiative TERI 12 1 91% 0% 0%
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) (India) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
The FlipFlopi Project (Lamu, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
The Girls Foundation of Tanzania (Tanzania) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
The Great Oven (Lebanon) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
The GREEN Generation (TGG) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
The Guardian Heart 10 1 90% 0% 0%
The International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
The Laikipian (Nanyuki, Laikipia, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
The Legal Rights & Natural Resources Center - Kasama sa Kalikasan (LRC) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
The Liaison Office (Afghanistan) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
The Loss and Damage Youth Coalition (LDYC) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
The Maa Trust 9 1 88% 0% 0%
The Nasio Trust 9 1 88% 0% 0%
The Nature Conservancy 13 1 92% 0% 0%
The NGO Forum on Cambodia 13 1 92% 0% 0%
The Pacific Islands Climate Action Network PICAN 7 1 85% 0% 0%
The Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature (RSCN) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
The Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
The Samburu Project (Wamba, Samburu, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
The Social Town (Kochi, Kerala, India) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
The Source Plus 13 6 53% 0% 0%
The Toa Nafasi Project (Moshi, Kilimanjaro, Tanzania) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
The Village Microclinic (Burundi) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
The Washing Machine Project 7 1 85% 0% 0%
TheirWorld 5 1 80% 0% 0%
There is No Earth B 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Think Centre (Singapore) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Third World Network (TWN) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Thirst Project 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Tictac Planet Challenge 10 1 90% 0% 0%
TierrActiva Colombia 10 1 90% 0% 0%
TierrActiva Peru 10 1 90% 0% 0%
TIP Global Health (Ruli Sector, Rwanda) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Tippy Tap Kenya (Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Tiyeni (Mzuzu, Malawi) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
TMG Think Tank for Sustainability 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Toktli Educación Ambiental 12 1 91% 0% 0%
TomorrowNow 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Tongoa Shepherds Women's Association (Vanuatu) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Trade Unions for Energy Democracy (TUED) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Tree Adoption Uganda 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Tree Adoption Uganda (Uganda) 10 8 20% 0% 0%
Trend Asia 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Trevor Noah Foundation (Rosebank, South Africa) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
True Animal Protein Price (TAPP) Coalition 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Trust for Community Outreach and Education (TCOE) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Tsavo Trust (Tsavo Region, Kenya) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Tunisian Association for Climate Change and Sustainable Development 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Tunisian Association for Self-Development and Solidarity ATLAS 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Tunisian Association for the Protection of Nature and Environment of Korba ATPNE 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Tuscany Environment Foundation 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Tuvalu Association of Non-Governmental Organizations (TANGO) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Tuvalu Health Family Association (TuFHA) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Tuvalu National Youth Council 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Tuvalu Red Cross 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Twende Social Innovation (Arusha, Tanzania) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
UDAYAN- Bangladesh 11 1 90% 0% 0%
UDYAMA (India) 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Ujamaa Community Resource Team (Arusha, Tanzania) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Umoja Tanzania (Arusha, Tanzania) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
UN Women Solomon Islands 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Unelco 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Unidad Ecologica Salvadorena (UNES) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Union pour la Solidarité et l’Entraide (USE) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Unite for Climate Action 9 1 88% 0% 0%
United In Diversity (UID) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
United in Volunteering Association 10 1 90% 0% 0%
United Mission to Nepal (UMN) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
United Nations Association of Fiji 6 1 83% 0% 0%
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
United Way Delhi (New Delhi, India) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
United Way Worldwide 9 1 88% 0% 0%
United Youth Initiative for Africa 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Unitierra Oaxaca 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Unnayan Onneshan 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Uno.Cinco 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Urban Health and Climate Resilience Centre (India) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Van Gujjar 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Vanmel Community Association (Vanuatu) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Vanua Tai Network (Vanuatu) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Vanuatu Business Resilience Council 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Vanuatu Chamber of Commerce and Industry 3 1 66% 0% 0%
Vanuatu Christian Council 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Vanuatu Climate Action Network 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Vanuatu Disability Promotion Advocacy Association 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Vanuatu Environmental Law Association (VELA) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Vanuatu Environmental Science Society 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Vanuatu Internet Governance Forum 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Vanuatu National Youth Council 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Vanuatu Skills Partnership 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Vanuatu Society for People with Disability 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Vanuatu Women Centre 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Vasudha Foundation (India) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Vasundhara Odisha 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Vecinos Honduras 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Verde Nativo ONG 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Victory Farms (Homabay, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Vietnam Committee on Human Rights VCHR 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Vikalp Sangam 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Vikram A Sarabhai Community Science Centre (VASCSC) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Vikram Sarabhai Centre for Development Interaction (VIKSAT) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Village Enterprise 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Village HopeCore International (Chogoria, Kenya) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Visão COOP 8 1 87% 0% 0%
VOICE 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Voice of South Bangladesh (VOSB) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Voluntary Association of Agriculture, General Development, Health and Reconstruction Alliance (VAAGDHARA) 17 1 94% 0% 0%
Vunausi Environmental and Conservation Organisation (VECO) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
VYWC 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia (WALHI) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
WALHI West Java 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Walk-through 8 8 0% 0% 0%
Wanania Green 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Wandikweza (Dowa, Malawi) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
War on Want 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Water Access Rwanda (Kigali, Rwanda) 4 1 75% 0% 0%
Water for Africa 7 1 85% 0% 0%
WaterAID (Madagascar) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
WaterKiosk Africa (Nairobi, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
WaterShed Organisation Trust (WOTR) (India) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
We See Hope 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Wecyclers (Lagos, Nigeria) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
WeMove Europe 8 1 87% 0% 0%
West Asia-North Africa Institute (WANA) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Wezesha Initiative (Kampala, Uganda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Wild at Heart Legal Defense Association 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Wild Heart Kenya Foundation (Nairobi, Kenya) 9 8 11% 0% 0%
WiLDAF (Afrique de l’Ouest, Africa) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Wildlife Direct (Nairobi, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Winchus 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Winrock Nepal 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Wiser Girls (Muhuru Bay, Kenya) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
WomanHealth Philippines 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Women Deliver 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Women Engage for a Common Future WECF 26 1 96% 0% 0%
Women for Green Economy Uganda 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Women for Women Forum 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Women in Technology Uganda (Uganda) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Women Smiles (Uganda) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Women's Climate Centers International (WCCI) 21 1 95% 0% 0%
Women's Earth Alliance (WEA) 22 1 95% 0% 0%
Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN) 24 1 95% 0% 0%
Women's Probono Initiative (Uganda) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Women's Voice (Bangladesh) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Women’s Environment & Development Organization WEDO 16 1 93% 0% 0%
WoMin 10 1 90% 0% 0%
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts 7 1 85% 0% 0%
World Rainforest Movement 12 1 91% 0% 0%
World Resources Institute (WRI) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
World Teacher Trust (WTT) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
World Vision India 11 1 90% 0% 0%
World Vision Vanuatu 15 1 93% 0% 0%
Wretched of the Earth 5 1 80% 0% 0%
WWF - Solomon Islands 8 1 87% 0% 0%
WWF India 14 1 92% 0% 0%
WWF Nepal 9 1 88% 0% 0%
WWF Pakistan 10 1 90% 0% 0%
YACAP 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Yamba Malawi (Lilongwe, Malawi) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Yambone Conservation (Chipanje Chetu, Mozambique) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Yayasan Indonesia CERAH 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Yayasan Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Indonesia (Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation, YLBHI) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Yemen Association for Development (Sanaa, Yemen) 11 1 90% 0% 0%
Yes To Life, No To Mining (YLNM) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Yiya Solutions (Kampala, Uganda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
Young Volunteers for the Environment 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Youth Association for Development (YAD) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Youth Association for Peace and Development (YAPD) 19 2 89% 0% 0%
Youth Bridge Foundation 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Youth Challenge Vanuatu 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Youth Climate Lab 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Youth Climate Leaders (Brazil) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Youth Climate Leaders (YCL) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Youth Development and Voice Initiative (YOVI) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Youth Empowerment in Climate Action Platform YECAP (Bangladesh) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Youth Environment Network (YEN) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Youth For Climate India 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Youth for Development and Human Rights Advancement (YDHRA) 13 1 92% 0% 0%
Youth for Environment Europe 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Youth for Green Communities 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Youth Front Pakistan 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Youth Go Green Uganda 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Youth Harvest Foundation 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Youth Loves Egypt (Cairo, Egypt) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Youth Network for Sustainable Development (YNSD) 12 1 91% 0% 0%
Youth on Root 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Youth on the Move (Mumbai, India) 9 1 88% 0% 0%
Youth Pawa (Mombasa, Kenya) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Youth4MPAs (South Africa) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Youth4Nature 16 1 93% 0% 0%
YouthConnekt Africa Hub (Rwanda) 5 1 80% 0% 0%
YouthNet 8 1 87% 0% 0%
YOUTHPRINUA 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Youth’s Forum for Protection of Human Rights (YFPHR) (India) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
YPARD Youth Professionals for Agricultural Development - Solomon Islands 7 1 85% 0% 0%
YPBB 7 1 85% 0% 0%
YPSA (Young Power in Social Action) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
YUGMA Network 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Yunus Environment Hub 16 1 93% 0% 0%
Zambia Alliance for Agroecology and Biodiversity (ZAAB) 10 1 90% 0% 0%
Zambia Community Based Natural Resources Management Forum (Lusaka, Zambia) 8 1 87% 0% 0%
Zambian Carnivore Programme (Mfuwe, Zambia) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Zanzibar Volunteers for Environmental Conservation ZAVECO (Zanzibar, Tanzania) 7 1 85% 0% 0%
ZEITZ Foundation (Laikipia, Kenya) 6 1 83% 0% 0%
Zero Hour 7 1 85% 0% 0%
ZERO Regional Environment Organisation 10 1 90% 0% 0%
ZERO – Associação Sistema Terrestre Sustentável (Portugal) 14 1 92% 0% 0%
Zimbabwe United Nations Association 7 1 85% 0% 0%
ZIMCONSERVE 12 2 83% 0% 0%
Zwartkops Conservancy 7 1 85% 0% 0%
All message groups together 15,374 1,898 87% 0% 0%