Restorative Climate Justice

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Resource type


Resource link

Author or organization

Earth In CommonProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.

Funded by

Date published



Key themes

Restorative climate justice

Geographical focus

The following coordinate was not recognized: Africa.The following coordinate was not recognized: Africa.


Earth in Common proposes a new term: ‘restorative climate justice’. The concept it describes brings together elements of restorative justice, climate justice, agroecology and food sovereignty. While it is arguably already implicit in many effective projects, it has not, to our knowledge, ever been made explicit. We believe the concept could contribute to the field of international aid and development, boosting the fight against climate change, enhancing climate resilience and, not least, greatly increasing the status and wellbeing of indigenous peoples.

Restorative climate justice +
Earth in Common proposes a new term: ‘restEarth in Common proposes a new term: ‘restorative climate justice’. The concept it describes brings together elements of restorative justice, climate justice, agroecology and food sovereignty. While it is arguably already implicit in many effective projects, it has not, to our knowledge, ever been made explicit. We believe the concept could contribute to the field of international aid and development, boosting the fight against climate change, enhancing climate resilience and, not least, greatly increasing the status and wellbeing of indigenous peoples.tatus and wellbeing of indigenous peoples. +