Climate Activist Defenders (CAD)

Revision as of 11:10, 12 April 2023 by CjjtAdmin (talk | contribs) (Marked this version for translation)
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Organization name

Climate Activist Defenders (CAD)

Organization link

Organization type




Current focus/area

Advocacy Human rights Disaster Risk Management Disaster response Emergency response Humanitarian response Security


Climate Activist Defenders aims to protect the lives and well-being of frontline climate justice activists (CJAs) working under oppressive and dangerous conditions. We facilitate their ability to continue carrying out their vital work to ensure a truly just transition and sustainable future. CAD works at the intersection of climate justice and human rights, bridging the need for more and more climate justice activists for humanitarian and security support. We provide a point of contact to anyone in the movement working under oppressive conditions and facilitate their ability to continue their vital work for climate justice. Serving as a direct point of contact for activists, CAD is able to respond quickly to arising needs in the movement.

Our work is mainly directed at MAPA activists and we mostly work with people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uganda, Colombia and other high-risk areas.

Compendium source

Other languages:
English • ‎español • ‎français • ‎العربية

51° 9' 56.52" N, 10° 27' 5.40" E