Philippine Human Rights Information Center (PHILRIGHTS)

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Organization name

Philippine Human Rights Information Center (PHILRIGHTS)

Organization link

Organization type

Service Institution



Current focus/area

Human Rights Research Advocacy Human rights violations


PHILRIGHTS are part of the Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA) and serve as the research and information center of the alliance. Their work focuses on ushering in a society where each individual is able to fully realize one’s potential as a human person, to participate effectively in the economic, political and cultural life, and to share equitably in the benefits of economic progress.

They aim to deepen awareness, knowledge, and understanding about human rights conditions, issues, and mechanisms. Monitoring the state's compliance with its human rights obligations and facilitating access to human rights intervention and support for families and communities whose rights are systematically violated or denied.


Compendium source

Participating organisation of the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice

12° 52' 46.92" N, 121° 46' 26.40" E