Associação de Jovens Engajamundo/es

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Organization name

Associação de Jovens Engajamundo

Organization link

Organization type

Organización sin ánimo de lucro (OSAL) dirigido por jóvenes Dirigé par le BIPOC mujeres lideradas



Current focus/area

Juventud Justicia medioambiental Biodiversidad Ciudades Cambio climático Desarrollo sostenible Igualdad de género Equity Land use Environmental rights


Engajamundo is a Brazilian youth-led organization whose mission is to make young people aware that by changing themselves, their surroundings and engaging politically, they can transform their realities. Therefore, we aim to be a channel of effective participation of young people in social and environmental agendas on a local, national and international level of discussions that affect our present and our future.

Compendium source

Signatory of the Peoples’ Summit: Climate Rights and Human Survival

CJRF Grantees List

14° 14' 6.00" S, 51° 55' 31.08" W