
Revision as of 07:02, 16 May 2023 by PatrickCjjtWiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Eau")
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Organization name


Organization link

Organization type

Organisation à but non lucratif


Washington DC

Current focus/area

Activités minières Drainage minier acide Superfonds Fracturation hydraulique Climat Pétrole Gaz Santé Responsabilité des entreprises Air Eau Land use


Earthworks is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting communities and the environment from the adverse impacts of mineral and energy development while promoting sustainable solutions.

Earthworks stands for clean air, water, and land, healthy communities, and corporate accountability. We work for solutions that protect both the Earth’s resources and our communities.


Compendium source

Climateworks Grantees List

38° 54' 25.92" N, 77° 2' 12.84" W