Economic Justice Network of the Fellowship of Christian Councils in Southern Africa (EJN of FOCCISA)
Organization name
Economic Justice Network of the Fellowship of Christian Councils in Southern Africa (EJN of FOCCISA)
Organization link
Organization type
Current focus/area
Food Security Climate Justice Extractivism Advocacy Trade Development
The aim of EJN of FOCCISA is three-pronged. The first is to contribute to efforts in the SADC region to ensure food security for those affected adversely by hunger crises and food shortages. The second is to change the current regime of world trade as it is largely shaped by the interests of rich countries. Thirdly to engage in advocacy towards SADC Programme.
One example of their programme is their efforts to explain and analyse climate change by making the issues more relatable and more likely to forge mobilization for policy influence.
Compendium source
Participating organisation of the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice