Climate Watch Thailand/es

Revision as of 22:49, 22 May 2023 by PatrickCjjtWiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Adaptación")
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Organization name

Climate Watch Thailand

Organization link

Organization type

Organización no gubernamental (ONG)



Current focus/area

Investigación Política Cambio climático Fortalecimiento de la resiliencia Adaptación Community engagement Advocacy


Climate Watch Thailand advocates to change attitudes and the development paradigm to ensure climate justice and development justice – with just, fair and inclusive climate policies and activities towards liveable, resilient and sustainable society. We work to influence government and individual actions to limit human-induced climate change to ecologically sustainable levels.

Compendium source

A Member organisation of the Climate Action Network Regional Node CAN Southeast Asia (CANSEA)

15° 52' 12.00" N, 100° 59' 33.00" E