Center for Environmental Justice/fr

Revision as of 18:56, 23 May 2023 by PatrickCjjtWiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Entraînement")
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Organization name

Center for Environmental Justice

Organization link

Organization type



Sri Lanka

Current focus/area

Justice écologique Soutien Juridique Pollution Gouvernance Déchet Recherche Protection de l'environnement Sensibilisation Autonomisation communautaire Entraînement Natural Resource Management Climate Justice Forests Networking


The Center for Environmental Justice's mission is to protect the equal environmental rights of the people & environment and promote ecological sustainability by supporting ecologically sound community activities. They believe that environmental protection should be done at all levels. Therefore while the government has a major role to play, every citizen has a responsibility to take care of the environment in which we live.


Compendium source

Participating organisation of the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice

7° 52' 23.16" N, 80° 46' 18.48" E