Unnayan Onneshan/es

Revision as of 04:56, 24 May 2023 by PatrickCjjtWiki (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Derechos laborales")
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Organization name

Unnayan Onneshan

Organization link


Organization type

grupo de expertos



Current focus/area

Política Gobernanza Comercio Cambio climático Gestion de riesgos de desastre Igualdad de género Derechos de la mujer Educación Salud Pobreza Justicia social Seguridad Derechos laborales Workers' rights


Unnayan Onneshan (UO) is a multidisciplinary think-tank in South Asia. Their mission is to champion innovation for exploring paths of social transformation towards a world, free from poverty, injustice, gender inequality and environmental degradation.


Compendium source

The participating organisation of the Global Campaign to Demand Climate Justice

34° 2' 52.44" N, 100° 37' 10.92" E