Hitaishi (Bangladesh)/es
Organization name
Hitaishi (Bangladesh)
Organization link
Organization type
Organización no gubernamental (ONG)
Current focus/area
Financiación de la lucha contra el cambio climático Desarrollo rural Desarrollo socioeconómico Pobreza Empoderamiento comunitario Mujeres Livelihood improvement
Hitaishi-Bangladesh is a non-government development organization established in 1993 for the socio-economic upliftment of distressed and disadvantaged people. It works in the slums of Khilgaon, Bashabo and Shahinbagh of Dhaka City. Through savings and microcredit schemes, they aim to help especially poor women increase their income, become self-employed and improve their quality of life.
Compendium source
A member organisation of the Climate Action Network Regional Node CAN South Asia (CANSA)
23° 41' 6.00" N, 90° 21' 22.68" E