Action for Food Protection (AFPRO)/ar
Organization name
Action for Food Protection (AFPRO)
Organization link
Organization type
تعبئة المجتمعات المحلية
Current focus/area
المساواة الجنسانية المساواة التنمية المستدامة إدارة الموارد الطبيعية بناء القدرات تبادل المعارف ماء الصرف الصحي النظافة مستجمعات المياه Livelihood improvement Agriculture
Action for Food Production (AFPRO) is an “Organization of National Importance” duly notified by the Government of India; committed to transforming the lives of poor and marginalized communities in rural India since 1966. We provide socio-technical services in the areas of Water, Sanitation, Watershed Management, Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture, Livelihood Diversification, and Climate Change for effective management of natural resources. (website)
Compendium source
A member organisation of the Climate Action Network Regional Node CAN South Asia (CANSA)
20° 35' 37.32" N, 78° 57' 46.44" E