Accountability Lab

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Organization name

Accountability Lab

Organization link

Organization type

Non-governmental organisation (NGO), Coalition, Non-profit organisation (NPO), Youth Led



Current focus/area

Awareness raising, Disability rights, Disaster response and preparation, Economic justice, Environmental justice, Inclusion, Social justice, Women's rights, Youth empowerment, Youth leadership


The Accountability Lab Pakistan was founded in late 2015 as an effort to work with young people to develop new ideas for accountability, transparency, justice, and open government. Our vision is a world in which citizens are active, leaders are responsible and institutions are accountable. It is a world in which resources are used wisely, decisions benefit everyone fairly, and people lead secure lives. Our mission is, therefore, to make governance work for people through supporting active citizens, responsible leaders and accountable institutions.

Compendium source

30° 22' 31.08" N, 69° 20' 42.36" E