Alternative Futures (India)/fr

This page is a translated version of the page Alternative Futures (India) and the translation is 91% complete.
Other languages:
English • ‎español • ‎français • ‎العربية

Organization name

Alternative Futures (India)

Organization link

Organization type

Développement et Recherche



Current focus/area

Changement climatique Adaptation Écologie Justice sociale Science Développement durable Communication Le savoir et traditions des populations autochtones


Alternative Futures is a development research and communication group working on creative and meaningful policy, social and technological alternatives and innovations for development and social change. We look at the change in a holistic manner, even while working on various specialized issues. We focus on innovative efforts for sustainable development, social transformation and democratic, transparent and accountable governance in all sectors of society. (website)

Compendium source

A member organisation of the Climate Action Network Regional Node CAN South Asia (CANSA)

20° 35' 37.32" N, 78° 57' 46.44" E