Centro de Capacitación en Ecología y Salud para Campesinos or Defensoría del Derecho a la Salud/ar

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Organization name

Centro de Capacitación en Ecología y Salud para Campesinos or Defensoría del Derecho a la Salud

Organization link


Organization type

منظمة غير ربحية 



Current focus/area

تمكين المجتمعات المحلية التعليم تعزيز التوعية حقوق الإنسان الزراعة حقوق العمال حقوق المرأة الصحة الجنسية والحقوق الإنجابية


The CCESC-DDS AC is a training centre in ecology and health for farmers that promotes a model of health education based on a concept of rights.

We have been working in the Altos, Norte and Selva zones of Chiapas, Mexico, since 1983.

What we intend is to strengthen local capacities to improve living and health conditions, educating in the awareness and enforceability of rights.


Compendium source

Signatory of the People's Summit: Climate Rights and Human Survival

23° 38' 4.20" N, 102° 33' 10.08" W