Honiara City Council/es

This page is a translated version of the page Honiara City Council and the translation is 88% complete.
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Organization name

Honiara City Council

Organization link


Organization type



Islas Salomón

Current focus/area

Residuo Ambiente Salud Alimento Agua


The Full Council consist of the elected Councillors from Honiara’s 12 wards, Honiara Members of Parliament from East, Central and West Constituencies, and four more Appointed Councillors as appointed by the Minister of Home Affairs or a total of 20 members. With a focus on monitoring water quality and food safety. (website)

Compendium source

A Member organisation of the Climate Action Network Regional Node Pacific Islands CAN (PICAN)

9° 38' 44.52" S, 160° 9' 22.32" E