Living Rivers Movement/ar

This page is a translated version of the page Living Rivers Movement and the translation is 89% complete.
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Organization name

Living Rivers Movement

Organization link

Organization type




Current focus/area

إدارة الأراضي الصحة البيئية إستغلال الأراضي التعدين الطاقة سياسة


Ríos Vivos is a network of grassroots organizations from the different subregions of the west, north and down areas of the Cauca River in the department of Antioquia (Colombia). The organisations which currently belong to the network identify themselves as affected by the dam Hidroituango, as well as threatened by the all-encompassing projects linked to it such as dozens of power generation micro plants, power transmission lines and mega-mining projects in the area, mainly owned by the Continental Gold.


Compendium source

CJ-JT Review Process

4° 34' 15.24" N, 74° 17' 50.28" W