Pacto por el Clima/es

This page is a translated version of the page Pacto por el Clima and the translation is 92% complete.
Other languages:
English • ‎español • ‎français • ‎العربية

Organization name

Pacto por el Clima

Organization link

Organization type

Asociación comunitaria



Current focus/area

Creación de movimientos Sensibilización litigio Ambiental Empoderamiento comunitario Educación empoderamiento juvenil Trabajo en red Creación de alianzas Desarrollo de capacidades


Pacto's mission is to transform Latin American society with youth to build a more prosperous, equitable, peaceful world in harmony with the ecological environment in which we live through attractive and convincing communication, education, art, research and actions.

Compendium source

4° 34' 15.24" N, 74° 17' 50.28" W