Sisonke Project

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Organization name

Sisonke Project

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Organization type

Non-profit organisation (NPO), BIPOC Led, LGBTIQ+ Led, Women Led, Youth Led



Current focus/area

Awareness raising, Disaster response and preparation, Environmental justice, Health, Indigenous rights, Inclusion, Land use, LGBTIQ+ rights, Natural Resource Management, Youth empowerment


Sisonke Project is a youth-led and inclusive initiative that envisions a healthy planet and a sustainable future that is both just and equitable for Zimbabweans. Our mission is to leverage efforts that focus on the intersectionality that is the environment, engineering & technology, arts and entertainment, health and equality; as we strive towards sustainable socio-economic development, together!

Our Objectives 1. To contribute towards the mitigation of climate change related risks and impacts like gender inequality, SRHR inaccessibility, food insecurity, health, water and sanitation in a bid to enhance climate resilience and adaptive capacity. 2. To use dance, art, music, sustainable fashion, and other forms of entertainment and artivism in order to mobilize the youth for climate action. 3. To mobilize resources via climate justice for the loss and damage that is already causing the infringement of fundamental human rights. 4. To enhance the standard of living for those most negatively impacted by climate change, especially marginalized and at-risk groups. 5. To develop innovative technical and technological solutions that aid in climate adaptation and neutrality. 6. To put into practice action for a climate empowerment plan by enhancing knowledge of climate variability and change and highlighting how urgent it is through multiple channels in order to alter attitudes about the climate crisis. 7. To lobby for the enactment of the climate action act in Zimbabwe by participating in climate policy negotiations. 8. To improve each citizen's environmental rights as outlined in Zimbabwe's Constitution by developing strategies that thwart the triple planetary crisis. 9. Documenting the socioeconomic effects of climate change on disadvantaged people and the wider public in order to strengthen climate justice activism 10. To network with similar groups, government departments and civil society organisations and persons to foster youth empowerment and inclusivity.

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