The Politics of Knowledge: Understanding the Evidence for Agroecology, Regenerative Approaches, and Indigenous Foodways

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Author or organization

Global Alliance for the Future of FoodProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.

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Key messages available in French and Spanish on the same webpage

Key themes

Agroecology, Indigenous Knowledge

Geographical focus

The following coordinate was not recognized: Global.The following coordinate was not recognized: Global.


The compendium tackles the dominant questions about evidence that are holding back food systems transformation. Authors unpack the narratives and legacies behind these questions and explore the many ways funders, researchers, and policymakers can take transformative action. Alongside recommendations for action, authors focus on unpacking five dominant questions: can these approaches feed the world? be scaled? provide meaningful livelihoods? solve the climate, biodiversity, and soils crises? accelerate transformation?