Women for Green Economy Uganda/ar

This page is a translated version of the page Women for Green Economy Uganda and the translation is 90% complete.
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Organization name

Women for Green Economy Uganda

Organization link


Organization type

مجموعة مجتمعية يقودها الشباب



Current focus/area

العمل المناخي



تحسين سبل العيش

بناء القدرة على التكيف


العدالة الاجتماعية والاقتصادية


Women for Green Economy Movement Uganda (WoGEM Uganda) is a community-based organization dedicated to influencing women and girls’ participation in a greener economy to promote social and economic development. Based in Ntungamo -Uganda, the organization was formed out of a will to help and address the challenges faced by vulnerable women and girls both at district and local levels so that they can attain their rights for their social and economic development.

Through research and community education, WoGEM brings together vulnerable women and girls from all sectors and equips them with knowledge and capacity to engage in a greener economy movement for community livelihoods, climate change mitigation and resilience.

Compendium source

1° 22' 23.88" N, 32° 17' 25.08" E