ZANZIBAR Climate Change Alliance - ZACCA/ar

This page is a translated version of the page ZANZIBAR Climate Change Alliance - ZACCA and the translation is 96% complete.
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Organization name

ZANZIBAR Climate Change Alliance - ZACCA

Organization link

Organization type

بقيادة السكان الأصليين, مركز فكري, شبكة عامة, قيادة المرأة, الشباب بقيادة, مركز البحث, منظمة غير حكومية, الأشخاص ذوي الإعاقة بقيادة


Tanzania /ZANZIBAR

Current focus/area

الزراعة الإيكولوجية, تعزيز التوعية, السيادة الغذائية, العنف الجنساني, المساواة الجنسانية, الصحة, حقوق الإنسان, حقوق الشعوب الأصلية, إدارة الموارد الطبيعية, تمكين المرأة, التصدي والتحضير للكوارث, العدالة الإقتصادية, العدالة البيئية, إستغلال الأراضي, تحسين سبل العيش, حقوق المرأة, القيادة النسائية


"ZACCA is an umbrella climate change organization registered in Tanzania Zanzibar working with more than 48 local cooperatives and more than 26 environmental Organization.

The alliance establish to respond on eradication of the poverty and fighting against climate change impacts.

ZACCA integrating other thematics areas with climate change such as disaster management,health,proper land use and resolve land disputes, water hygiene and sanitations,protecting sexual health rights and GBV by ensuring the equal opportunity are available for all groups women,youth and marginalized people.

The canal approaches used to implement all these areas based on research,mapping and assessment. It is center for learning by doing and all sects are included in mission.

We do all of this to reach the potential climate change adaptation and mitigation to the impacts."

Compendium source

6° 22' 8.40" S, 34° 53' 19.68" E