African Environment and Communities. AEC

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Organization name

African Environment and Communities. AEC

Organization link

Organization type

Non-governmental organisation (NGO), Indigenous Led


Democratic Republic of the Congo. DRC

Current focus/area

Agroecology, Disaster response and preparation, Environmental Justice, Gender equality, Indigenous rights, Natural Resource Management


"contribute to the preservation of ecosystems through capacity building of indigenous communities, improve living conditions in the face of climate change and fight against poverty and climate injustice for sustainable development in Africa.

Specific objectives: Article 5: Support indigenous African communities in the preservation of degraded ecosystems by promoting indigenous and technological practices that are resilient to climate change for sustainable development in Africa. Lead intergovernmental ecological actions by indigenous and local communities for adaptation and resilience to climate change in Africa; Ensure the strong involvement of different social layers, community leaders in agro-ecological actions (farmers, women, young people, children, schoolchildren, pupils and students) for a response to the conservation of degraded ecosystems and the fight against climate change inAfrica; Support indigenous agricultural producers in making agro-pastoral activities resilient to climate change profitable in Africa; Contribute to the massive and active participation of communities in the fight against all forms of GBV among indigenous peoples and ensure the socio-professional reintegration of illiterate, idle, orphaned and disabled African women, children and young people; Promotion of health, food and economic security through agriculture, fishing, livestock breeding, beekeeping, fish farming, agroforestry resilient to climate change by indigenous and local communities in Africa; Promote access to quality drinking water, development and construction of water sources and facilitate sanitation to improve the living conditions of communities and contribute to socio-health progress in Africa; Mobilize and support indigenous and local communities in the construction and rehabilitation of basic community infrastructure (agricultural service roads; schools; hospitals, health centers; drinking water sources, local markets) and the use of renewable energies forsustainable development in Africa. "

Compendium source

Agroecology +, Disaster response and preparation +, Environmental Justice +, Gender equality +, Indigenous rights +  and Natural Resource Management +
"contribute to the preservation of ecosyst"contribute to the preservation of ecosystems through capacity building of indigenous communities, improve living conditions in the face of climate change and fight against poverty and climate injustice for sustainable development in Africa. </br></br>Specific objectives:</br>Article 5:</br>Support indigenous African communities in the preservation of degraded ecosystems by promoting indigenous and technological practices that are resilient to climate change for sustainable development in Africa. </br>Lead intergovernmental ecological actions by indigenous and local communities for adaptation and resilience to climate change in Africa;</br>Ensure the strong involvement of different social layers, community leaders in agro-ecological actions (farmers, women, young people, children, schoolchildren, pupils and students) for a response to the conservation of degraded ecosystems and the fight against climate change inAfrica;</br>Support indigenous agricultural producers in making agro-pastoral activities resilient to climate change profitable in Africa;</br>Contribute to the massive and active participation of communities in the fight against all forms of GBV among indigenous peoples and ensure the socio-professional reintegration of illiterate, idle, orphaned and disabled African women, children and young people;</br>Promotion of health, food and economic security through agriculture, fishing, livestock breeding, beekeeping, fish farming, agroforestry resilient to climate change by indigenous and local communities in Africa;</br>Promote access to quality drinking water, development and construction of water sources and facilitate sanitation to improve the living conditions of communities and contribute to socio-health progress in Africa;</br>Mobilize and support indigenous and local communities in the construction and rehabilitation of basic community infrastructure (agricultural service roads; schools; hospitals, health centers; drinking water sources, local markets) and the use of renewable energies forsustainable development in Africa. "es forsustainable development in Africa. "
African Environment and Communities. AEC +
Non-governmental organisation (NGO), Indigenous Led +