African youth climate time/fr
Organization name
African youth climate time
Organization link
Organization type
Dirigé par le BIPOC, Bases, Dirigé par des Autochtones, Dirigé par les jeunes, Organisation à but non lucratif
Current focus/area
Sensibilisation, Droits humains, Inclusion, Droits des peuples autochtones, Migration, Autonomisation des jeunes, Préparation et réponse aux désastres, Justice écologique, Leadership féminin
" AFRICAN CLIMATE YOUTH TIME. It is a nonprofit youth organization based in Botswana with chapters in various countries. It allows grassroots youths to be involved in Climate justice in Africa a better now and the next generation. Climate justice is the process of finding solutions to address the climate crisis but this should be done in a way that promotes justice and equality. We advocate for a just and equal society and our Youth organization is accessible to everyone. Each member country is going to have its National focal point which is a chapter and these are the people who will be running the national project. African Climate Youth Time is an organization that is going to collaborate with high schools and primary schools in Climate change programs. "
Compendium source
22° 19' 42.60" S, 24° 41' 5.64" E
AFRICAN CLIMATE YOUTH TIME. It is a nonp … "</br>AFRICAN CLIMATE YOUTH TIME.</br>It is a nonprofit youth organization based in Botswana with chapters in various countries. It allows grassroots youths to be involved in Climate justice in Africa a better now and the next generation. Climate justice is the process of finding solutions to address the climate crisis but this should be done in a way that promotes justice and equality. We advocate for a just and equal society and our Youth organization is accessible to everyone. Each member country is going to have its National focal point which is a chapter and these are the people who will be running the national project. African Climate Youth Time is an organization that is going to collaborate with high schools and primary schools in Climate change programs.</br>"mary schools in Climate change programs.
" +Longitude: 24.6849 +