Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM)/es

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Organization name

Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM)

Organization link

Organization type




Current focus/area

Influencia política


Prácticas Agroecológicas

Resiliencia al Cambio Climático

Gestion de recursos naturales


El desarrollo del mercado

Fortalecimiento Institucional

Trabajo en red

Desarrollo de capacidades





Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Association is a network of Civil Society Organizations / NGOs working with Small-scale farmers in East, central and Southern Africa. They work in a variety of ways ranging from increasing the visibility of small-scale farmers and promoting the sharing of development experiences, innovations, and best practices to directly lobbying for policies in favour of small-scale farmers.


Compendium source

Devex database of organisations working towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

0° 1' 24.96" S, 37° 54' 22.32" E

Devex database of organisations working towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) +
Influencia política


PrácticasInfluencia política </br></br>Promoción</br></br>Prácticas Agroecológicas </br></br>Resiliencia al Cambio Climático </br></br>Gestion de recursos naturales </br></br>Agro-Empresa </br></br>El desarrollo del mercado</br></br>Fortalecimiento Institucional</br></br>Trabajo en red </br></br>Desarrollo de capacidades</br></br>Mujeres </br></br>Juventud</br></br>Agroecologíaacidades



Agroecología +
Participatory Ecological Land Use ManagemeParticipatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) Association is a network of Civil Society Organizations / NGOs working with Small-scale farmers in East, central and Southern Africa. They work in a variety of ways ranging from increasing the visibility of small-scale farmers and promoting the sharing of development experiences, innovations, and best practices to directly lobbying for policies in favour of small-scale farmers. </br></br>(website)favour of small-scale farmers. (website) +
0° 1' 24.96" S, 37° 54' 22.32" ELatitude: -0.0236
Longitude: 37.9062
Participatory Ecological Land Use Management (PELUM) +