Living Laudato Sí Philippines

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Organization name

Living Laudato Sí Philippines

Organization link

Organization type




Current focus/area


"The organisation was formally launched in November 2018. They aim to empower citizens to adopt lifestyles and attitudes that live up to the urgent need to care for our common home. It acts towards promoting sustainable development and stopping the climate crisis and degradation through collective action among people from different sectors.


Compendium source

12° 52' 46.92" N, 121° 46' 26.40" E

"The organisation was formally launched in"The organisation was formally launched in November 2018. They aim to empower citizens to adopt lifestyles and attitudes that live up to the urgent need to care for our common home. It acts towards promoting sustainable development and stopping the climate crisis and degradation through collective action among people from different sectors. </br></br>(website) (website) +
12° 52' 46.92" N, 121° 46' 26.40" ELatitude: 12.8797
Longitude: 121.774
Living Laudato Sí Philippines +