Climate Reality Project Brasil

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Organization name

Climate Reality Project Brazil

Organization link

Organization type

Civil Society Organization (CSO)



Current focus/area

Climate justice Youth leadership Environmental education


The Climate Reality Project Brasil - Filial Descarbonária, represented by Centro Brasil no Clima since 2016, has the mission to bring about changes in the decarbonization of the Brazilian economy by calling its more than 3,900 leaders to action, increasing the ambition of climate action at all levels, and offering opportunities for continuous learning on approaches and solutions to the climate crisis.

Compendium source

14° 14' 6.00" S, 51° 55' 31.08" W

Climate justice

Youth leadership

Environmental education +
The Climate Reality Project Brasil - FiliaThe Climate Reality Project Brasil - Filial Descarbonária, represented by Centro Brasil no Clima since 2016, has the mission to bring about changes in the decarbonization of the Brazilian economy by calling its more than 3,900 leaders to action, increasing the ambition of climate action at all levels, and offering opportunities for continuous learning on approaches and solutions to the climate crisis.aches and solutions to the climate crisis. +
14° 14' 6.00" S, 51° 55' 31.08" WLatitude: -14.235
Longitude: -51.9253
Climate Reality Project Brazil +
Civil Society Organization (CSO) +