Hagamos Composta (Ciudad de México, Mexico)/fr

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Organization name

Hagamos Composta (Ciudad de México, Mexico)

Organization link

https://www.instagram.com/hagamos composta/

Organization type

Organisation du mouvement social (OMS)



Current focus/area

Waste Sustainable development Compost


Hagamos Composta is a project that aims to reduce the amount of garbage produced in the cities through an organic waste pick-up service. The organic waste is transformed into compost to re-incorporate it into the soil, provide nutrients and reduce pollution through good waste management

Compendium source

23° 38' 4.20" N, 102° 33' 10.08" W


Sustainable development

Compost +
Hagamos Composta is a project that aims toHagamos Composta is a project that aims to reduce the amount of garbage produced in the cities through an organic waste pick-up service. The organic waste is transformed into compost to re-incorporate it into the soil, provide nutrients and reduce pollution through good waste managementce pollution through good waste management +
23° 38' 4.20" N, 102° 33' 10.08" WLatitude: 23.6345
Longitude: -102.5528
Hagamos Composta (Ciudad de México, Mexico) +
Organisation du mouvement social (OMS) +