IForest International Forum for Environment, Sustainability & Technology/fr
Organization name
iForest International Forum for Environment, Sustainability & Technology
Organization link
Organization type
Organisation à but non lucratif
Current focus/area
Transition Juste Énergie Changement climatique Pollution Déchet Natural resource management Environmental protection
We are an independent non-profit environmental research and innovation organization. Set up by a group of renowned scientists and environmentalists, it seeks to find, promote, and scale-up solutions for some of the most pressing environment–development challenges. It endeavors to make environmental protection a people’s movement by informing and engaging the citizenry in critical issues and programs.
Compendium source
20° 35' 37.32" N, 78° 57' 46.44" E
Transition Juste
Énergie Changement climatique Pollution Déchet Natural resource management
Environmental protection +We are an independent non-profit environme … We are an independent non-profit environmental research and innovation organization. Set up by a group of renowned scientists and environmentalists, it seeks to find, promote, and scale-up solutions for some of the most pressing environment–development challenges. It endeavors to make environmental protection a people’s movement by informing and engaging the citizenry in critical issues and programs.citizenry in critical issues and programs. +
20° 35' 37.32" N, 78° 57' 46.44" ELatitude: 20.5937
Longitude: 78.9629 +
Longitude: 78.9629 +
iForest International Forum for Environment, Sustainability & Technology +
Organisation à but non lucratif +