RESAMA - South American Network for Environmental Migrations/es

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Organization name

RESAMA - South American Network for Environmental Migrations

Organization link

Organization type




Current focus/area

Migration Climate change Disaster Risk Reduction Adaptation Climate Justice Human Rights Displacement Knowledge sharing Research Publication Law Policy


Founded in 2010 in Brazil and Uruguay, the South American Network for Environmental Migrations – RESAMA is a pioneering initiative for coordination and mobilization of researchers and practitioners to include the subject of environmental migration in public agendas in the region. Our mission is giving visibility, advocating for recognition and protection of climate/environmental migrants. Through research, advocacy, and collective capacity building we support various actors and initiatives, researchers, organizations, and communities (specially in Latin America and Global South).

Compendium source

Signatory of the Peoples’ Summit: Climate Rights and Human Survival

14° 14' 6.00" S, 51° 55' 31.08" W