Gendered and racial impacts of the fossil fuel industry in North America and complicit financial institutions

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Resource link 918b1e133b2548549b686e4b6eac4cc3.pdf

Author or organization

Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN)Property "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.

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Date published



Key themes

Impacts and intersectionality

Geographical focus

The following coordinate was not recognized: North America.The following coordinate was not recognized: North America.


The report addresses the gender and race-specific health and safety impacts as well as human and Indigenous rights issues of fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure in the United States and selected parts of Canada. The report also exposes the role that financial institutions, including banks, asset managers, and insurance companies, play in preserving and perpetuating negative gender and racial impacts due to the financing, insuring, and investing in fossil fuel companies. Based on analysis and evidence that links fossil fuel activity to women’s health, safety, and rights, the report advocates for financial institutions to divest from and cease insuring fossil fuel companies.

Impacts and intersectionality +
The report addresses the gender and race-sThe report addresses the gender and race-specific health and safety impacts as well as human and Indigenous rights issues of fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure in the United States and selected parts of Canada. The report also exposes the role that financial institutions, including banks, asset managers, and insurance companies, play in preserving and perpetuating negative gender and racial impacts due to the financing, insuring, and investing in fossil fuel companies. Based on analysis and evidence that links fossil fuel activity to women’s health, safety, and rights, the report advocates for financial institutions to divest from and cease insuring fossil fuel companies. and cease insuring fossil fuel companies. +