Hydrogen and Climate JusticeBuilding blocks for climate justice

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Resource link

https://konzeptwerk-neue-oekonomie.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Hydrogen and Climate Justice 2022.pdf

Author or organization

Lasse Thiele (author) / Konzeptwerk Neue ÖkonomieProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.

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Date published




Key themes

Hydrogen, Renewables, Climate justice

Geographical focus


Hydrogen is not a silver bullet against the climate crisis. There is a sensible use for “green” hydrogen. But European industry's plans to fuel itself through massive imports from the Global South threaten to perpetuate centuries-old patterns of global injustice.

Until these imports become a reality at all, a lot of climate-damaging fossil hydrogen is to be burned.

Hydrogen, Renewables, Climate justice +
Hydrogen is not a silver bullet against thHydrogen is not a silver bullet against the climate crisis. There is a sensible use for “green” hydrogen. But European industry's plans to fuel itself through massive imports from the Global South threaten to perpetuate centuries-old patterns of global injustice.</br></br>Until these imports become a reality at all, a lot of climate-damaging fossil hydrogen is to be burned.-damaging fossil hydrogen is to be burned. +